Estimating effects of arable land-use intensity on farmland birds using joint species modelling
SND-ID: snd1080-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Martin Stjernman - Lund university, Department of Biology, Biodiversity unit
Ola Olsson - Lund university, Department of Biology, Biodiversity unit
Henrik G. Smith - Lund university, Department of Biology, Biodiversity unit
Ullrika Sahlin - Lund university, Centre for Environmental and Climate Research
Research principal
Lund University
- Department of Biology, Biodiversity unit
This study seeks evidence of benefits to farmland birds of reversing land use intensification on and among arable fields and to what extent benefits are moderated by presence of more natural habitats (semi-natural pastures and field borders). The study compares bird numbers for a set of farmland bird species in landscapes/sites differing in agricultural land use and amount of semi-natural habitats. The dataset is comprised of bird counts and agricultural habitat characteristics from a set of 1km radius circular landscapes distributed in the most to medium productive regions in Scania (southern-most province of Sweden). Study sites (landscapes) where selected to maximise orthogonality in the habitat characteristics. Bird counts in each landscape where made for 5 min. at 11 – 16 points distributed in a 4 by 4 grid (approx. 400 m between points; half the points, “columns” 1 and 3, where moved to nearest field border; points more than 50 m outside farmland where discarded; points that could not be accessed (gardens etc.) where moved to nearest access point). Landscapes were visited twice (>= 1 wee
... Show more..The paper (Stjernman et al Ecological Applications 2019, currently In Press) and dataset are to be cited when using the dataset. Show less..
Unit of analysis
Farmland birds
Time Method
Sampling procedure
Time period(s) investigated
2011-05-11 – 2011-06-14
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden, Skåne County, Scania Province
Responsible department/unit
Department of Biology, Biodiversity unit
Research area
Environment and conservation (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Plants and animals (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Ecology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Agricultural science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Biota (INSPIRE topic categories)
Stjernman M., Sahlin U., Olsson O., and Smith H. G. 2019. Estimating effects of arable land-use intensity on farmland birds using joint species modelling. Ecological Applications In press