Health effects of work in production and distribution of electricity
SND-ID: snd0839-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Rose-Marie Herlin - National Institute for Working Life, Work and Health
Research principal
Arbetslivsinstitutet - Work and Health
In studies regarding occupation exposure to extremly low frequent (50 - 60 Hz) electric and magnetic fields have some disorders in biologic systems been reported. In the late 60's and the beginning of the 70's, functional organ disorders in nerv, circulation, gastrointestinal and reproduction systems were shown. Since the early 80's, reports about prevalence of cancer in these groups have dominated the interest of researches. Working Life Insitute (Arbetslivsinstitutet) was responsible for the study. The investigational period reached over the years 1981 to 1995. The study base consisted of 706 new employed men. Information about healt and environment, family and children, ergonomic pressure and subjective symptomatology was gathered from questionnaires. Data were collected at start of employment and then after three, six and nine years. After nine years there were 466 participants left in the cohort with data from both exposure and health endpoint from all four examinations. In addition were clinical tests and blood samples included. Serum has been saved and kept in frosen condition (-70 degr
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The aim of the study was to follow and evaluate health risks, from reported morbidity and with possibility to analysis of exposure factors in working environment, in a group of young electricity workers in power industry. Further the aim is also to illustrate eventual associations between different working environment factors and poor health. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Time Method
Sampling procedure
Time period(s) investigated
1981 – 1995
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden
Responsible department/unit
Work and Health
Research area
Working conditions (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Physical examination, Blood specimen collection, Hormones, Musculoskeletal diseases, Risk factors, Noise, Electromagnetic fields, Ergonomics, Reproduction, Gases, Hematology, Hazardous substances, Air pollutants, Solvents, Magnetic fields, Environmental exposure, Neuralgia, Neurasthenia, Psychophysiologic disorders, Smoke, Radiation, Vibration, Leukocytes, Occupational exposure, Vertigo, Accidents, occupational
Siv Törnqvist, Ulf Bergqvist, Rose-Marie Herlin, Tomas Lindh, Bengt Knave
Francesco Gamberale, Åsa Kilbom, Lars-Inge Andersson, Maud Hagman,
Maria Tesarz. Hälsorisker i arbete med elproduktion och eldistribution - slutrapport från en prospektiv studie. Arbetslivsinstitutet: arbete och hälsa vetenskaplig skriftserie. ISBN 91-7045-468-x ISSN 0346-7821