Roads and traffic autumn 1995

SND-ID: snd0575-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:

Is part of collection at SND: Roads and traffic

Associated documentation


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Swedish Road Administration


This is the fifth survey in a series of surveys measuring and following up the general public´s experiences and usage of Swedish roads, and looking into how the products and services of the National Road Administration are received by the users. Questions on the respondent´s experiences as a driver and usage of vehicles includes holding of driving license, number of miles driven by car during the last 12 months, size of car driven, car equipment, how often the respondent had driven different vehicles during the last 12 months, how dependent the respondent is on a car, if the car usage will increase or decrease within the next five years, and reasons for changes in car usage. One section of the questionnaire is dedicated to roads; how often the respondent uses different kinds of roads, and how they are graded by the respondents, and in which fields the National Road Administration has to increase or decrease their efforts. The respondents have to give their opinion on the importance of dealing with a number of public issues, such as environmental pollution, care of elderly and children, the bud

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This is the fifth survey in a series of surveys measuring and following up the general public´s experiences and usage of Swedish roads, and looking into how the products and services of the National Road Administration are received by the users. Questions on the respondent´s experiences as a driver and usage of vehicles includes holding of driving license, number of miles driven by car during the last 12 months, size of car driven, car equipment, how often the respondent had driven different vehicles during the last 12 months, how dependent the respondent is on a car, if the car usage will increase or decrease within the next five years, and reasons for changes in car usage. One section of the questionnaire is dedicated to roads; how often the respondent uses different kinds of roads, and how they are graded by the respondents, and in which fields the National Road Administration has to increase or decrease their efforts. The respondents have to give their opinion on the importance of dealing with a number of public issues, such as environmental pollution, care of elderly and children, the budget deficit, unemployment, health care etc. For a number of risks in traffic the respondents have to state how dangerous they count them to be. They also have to give their opinion on different threats against the environment and to tell what they are doing themselves to save the environment. A number of questions deals with the traffic environment, how often the respondent is exposed to different environmental problems and how troublesome he/she counts them to be. Other questions deal with the knowledge and usage of different channels for information on road and weather conditions. The respondents have to give their opinion on the National Road Administration in general, and how it is dealing with road safety issues and environmental issues. They also have to give their opinion on the importance of a number of road administrative issues, and on how it works today. Respondents also have to state how much different things worries them, such as traffic accidents, serious illness, burglary, street violence etc. A number of questions deals with the use of bicycle helmets, the probability of getting into a speed checkup, and knowledge of traffic offences leading to withdrawal of the driving licence. Background information includes gender, age, place of living, size of household, and number of children under the age of 16. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis

Time period(s) investigated

1995-09-01 – 1995-11-01



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1995-09-01 – 1995-11-01
  • Data collector: GFK Sverige AB
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information
Topic and keywords

Research area

Transport and travel (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Environment and conservation (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Information society (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Published: 1997-01-01
Last updated: 2019-02-06