Roads and traffic autumn 1993
SND-ID: snd0571-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
Is part of collection at SND: Roads and traffic
Associated documentation
Swedish Road Administration. (1997). Roads and traffic autumn 1993 (1.0) [Data set]. Swedish Transport Administration. Available at:
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Swedish Road Administration
Research principal
In 1993 The Swedish National Road Administration decided to initiate a series of surveys measuring and following up the general public´s experiences and usage of Swedish roads, and to look into how the products and services of the National Road Administration were received by the users. The first section of the questionnaire includes questions on the respondent´s experiences as a driver: number of miles driven by different types of vehicles annually, type of driving license and for how long the respondent has hold a driving license, and size of car available. Questions on the usage of vehicles includes how dependent the respondent and his/her household is on a car, if the car usage will increase or decrease within the next five years, reasons for changes in car usage, the most common means of travel to work, shops, on holiday etc., and how often the respondent uses different kinds of roads. Questions on risks in traffic deals with how often the respondent is exposed to different kinds of risks and how dangerous he/she counts them to be. Other questions deals with the traffic environment, how o
... Show more..Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Time Method
Time period(s) investigated
1993-09-20 – 1993-11-22
Number of individuals/objects
Med hjälp av variabel 5 kan materialet vägas så att det blir representativt för hela befolkningen.
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden
Research area
Transport and travel (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Environment and conservation (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Information society (CESSDA Topic Classification)