Standard of living in Sweden 1992

SND-ID: snd0492-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:


Alternative title


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Björn Halleröd - University of Gothenburg, Department of Sociology and Work Science

Staffan Marklund - Umeå University, Department of Sociology

Anders Nordlund - Umeå University, Department of Sociology

Mikael Stattin - Umeå University, Department of Sociology

Research principal

Umeå University - Department of Sociology rorId


This survey deals with the amount of material standard people consider as necessary, and to what extent the respondent lacks these necessities. The questionnaire was divided into following main topics: Household composition; Housing; Education and occupation; Working conditions and leisure; View on own material standard; Attitudes toward the welfare state, poverty and social assistance; and Health and social contacts. Besides data collected from the interview, this study contains data from administrative records concerning incomes and transfers, both for the respondent and spouse if any. All register data refer to income year 1991. A similar study was conducted in Great Britain 1985 by Johanna Mack and Stewart Lansley.

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Individuals aged 20-74 years and residing in Sweden

Time Method

Sampling procedure

Time period(s) investigated

1995-01-07 – 1995-05-25



Number of individuals/objects




Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1995-01-07 – 1995-05-25
  • Instrument: (Structured questionnaire)
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Lowest geographic unit

County (NUTS 3)

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Sociology

Funding 1

  • Funding agency: Swedish Council for Research in the Humanitie and Social Sciences

Funding 2

  • Funding agency: Swedish Council for Social Research

Funding 3

  • Funding agency: Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

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Halleröd, B. (1994) Poverty in Sweden: A New Approach to Direct Measurement of Consensual Poverty. Umeå Studies in Sociology No. 106. Umeå: Department of Sociology.
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Halleröd, B., Marklund, S., Nordlund, A., & Stattin, M. (1993) Konsensuell fattigdom - en studie av konsumtion och attityder till konsumtion. Umeå Studies in Sociology No. 104. Umeå: Department of Sociology.
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ISSN: 1100-3553

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Published: 1997-04-21
Last updated: 2019-02-06