Service survey: Old age care in five type municipalities 1993
SND-ID: snd0487-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
Associated documentation
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Lars Strömberg - University of Gothenburg, Center for Public Sector Research
Lennart Nilsson - University of Gothenburg, Center for Public Sector Research
Vicki Johansson - University of Gothenburg, Center for Public Sector Research
Research principal
University of Gothenburg
- Center for Public Sector Research
This survey was carried out within the framework of the research programme ´Demokrati i förändring´. The survey was carried out in four municipalities; Grästorp, Kävlinge, Lidköping and Luleå, and in one district of Göteborg, Centrum. The choice of municipalities was made with regard to the classification of municipalities done in the citizen survey of the research programme, Local citizen survey 1991 (SSD 0306). The survey was directed towards persons aged 65-85. The questionnaire contained questions about marital status; size of household; number of sons and daughters; distance to children´s home; how often one sees the children or speaks with them on the telephone; opinion on how public old-age care ought to be worked out; economic aid to alternative old-age care; economic aid to elderly. For some twenty areas the respondents had to state if they took care of them themselves or if they were assisted by someone; if they were assisted by home-help; at what time they were assisted by someone else; opinion on the public old-age care; and monthly cost for old-age care. A number of questions deal
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Unit of analysis
Individuals aged 65-85 years living in Grästorp, Kävlinge, Lidköping and Luleå, and one district of Göteborg, Centrum.
Time Method
Time period(s) investigated
1993-12-01 – 1994-05-01
Number of individuals/objects
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Grästorp Municipality, Kävlinge Municipality, Lidköping Municipality, Luleå Municipality, Göteborg Municipality
Responsible department/unit
Center for Public Sector Research
Research area
Elderly (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Political science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Specific social services: use and availability (CESSDA Topic Classification)
General health and well-being (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Family life and marriage (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Johansson, V. (1994) Samhällets omsorgsstruktur under förändring. Politiska beslut som initierar rörelser mellan omsorgsformer i fyra kommuner. Work report. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.