German newspaper data - die Welt and the Süddeutsche Zeitung

SND-ID: snd0231-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Inger Rosengren - Lund University, Tyska institutionen

Research principal

Lund University - Tyska institutionen rorId


The data-file include running text from a representative sample of two German newspapers, Die Welt and Süddeutsche Zeitung, during the period 1 November 1966 to 30 October 1967.

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


The contents of die Welt and Süddeutsche Zeitung 1 November 1966-30 October 1967

Time Method

Time period(s) investigated

1967-11-01 – 1968-10-31

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Germany

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Tyska institutionen

Topic and keywords

Research area

General language studies and linguistics (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Language and linguistics (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Rosengren, I. (1972) Ein Frequenzwörterbuch der deutschen Zeitungssprache. Die Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung. 1. Lund: CWK Gleerups.

Rosengren, I. (1977) Ein Frequenzwörterbuch der deutschen Zeitungssprache. Die Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung. 2. Lund: CWK Gleerups.

Published: 1987-03-03
Last updated: 2017-07-12