Health and working conditions of Swedish school teachers 1978

SND-ID: snd0141-1. Version: 2.0. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Sten-Olof Brenner - Karolinska Institutet, Laboratory of stress research

Research principal

Karolinska Institutet - Laboratory of stress research rorId


The study 'Swedish teachers' health and well-being' is included in the project 'Work, health and well-being in teachers and school leaders in public school and in teachers in child care'. This research project is a part of a common Nordic project 'Work environment, health and well-being on teachers in public school in the Nordic Countries'. The Nordic Minister Counsellor's (Nordiska Ministerrådet) committee of officials for questions concerning working environment gave a mission to the Nordic researchers in 1975. The mission was to become united about a performance plan for a common Nordic project on psychosocial environment and health in working life. One of the two working groups which were elaborated as a suggestion was public school teachers.
The study 'Swedish public school teachers' health and well-being at work' was performed at 'the laboratory for clinical stress research' / 'the institute of psychosocial environmental health' at Karolinska Institute under the guidance of Sten-Olof Brenner. The project was completed in 1978 with a selection of respondents, arrangement and dispatch of

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The study 'Swedish teachers' health and well-being' is included in the project 'Work, health and well-being in teachers and school leaders in public school and in teachers in child care'. This research project is a part of a common Nordic project 'Work environment, health and well-being on teachers in public school in the Nordic Countries'. The Nordic Minister Counsellor's (Nordiska Ministerrådet) committee of officials for questions concerning working environment gave a mission to the Nordic researchers in 1975. The mission was to become united about a performance plan for a common Nordic project on psychosocial environment and health in working life. One of the two working groups which were elaborated as a suggestion was public school teachers.
The study 'Swedish public school teachers' health and well-being at work' was performed at 'the laboratory for clinical stress research' / 'the institute of psychosocial environmental health' at Karolinska Institute under the guidance of Sten-Olof Brenner. The project was completed in 1978 with a selection of respondents, arrangement and dispatch of questionnaires plus collection and processing of answers. A number of questions were asked to a random selection of public school teachers. The questions were asked to find out how the teachers experienced their working situation and how the working environment and the special character of the profession affect the teachers' health and well-being. The influence of the teacher's age, sex and other social backgrounds on the experience of work was examined. The different categories of teachers were compared to each other regarding how teaching in different phases and subjects affects the teacher's working environment.
The questionnaire included questions about serving and years of service, teaching in grades and subjects, the size of the classes and the number of teachers, the school's catchment area, timetabling, classes, discussions about teaching, school buildings and working premises, working environment issues, opinion about students, contact with other teachers, parental contact, contact with the school management, education, factors controlling work, anxiety and difficulties in work, support and help in work, appreciation and criticism in work, work related stress, leisure time, lack of time for leisure activities, health status and private situations.


The overall aim of the project was to find out how the teachers perceived their work situation, and how work environment and the character of the work affected teachers' health and well-being. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Teachers from two teachers unions (SFL and SL).

Time Method

Sampling procedure

Urvalet av lärare till enkätundersökningen gick till så att man på underlag som tillhandahölls av Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) urskilde nio olika kommuntyper vilka representerar ett miniatyr-Sverige i socioekonomiska avseenden. Inom de utvalda kommunerna drogs sedan lärare ur Svenska facklärarförbundets och Sveriges lärarförbunds medlemsregister för år 1978 så att samtliga lärargrupper som ingår i dessa fackförbund blev representerade i undersökningen. Eftersom vissa lärargrupper är små har man överrepresenterat dem för att få ett tillräckligt stort antal i undersökningen. Lärarkategorierna är därför oproportionellt representerade i undersökningen. Det slutliga urvalet omfattade 50 kommuner och 3154 lärare. Sammanlagt besvarades enkäten av 2421 lärare. Bortfallet varierade mellan olika lärargrupper och var störst för vissa facklärargrupper.



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Laboratory of stress research

Topic and keywords

Research area

Working conditions (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Occupational health and environmental health (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)

General health and well-being (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Labour and employment (CESSDA Topic Classification)


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Brenner, S-O., Tellenback, S., & Walck, C. (1979) Arbete, hälsa och välbefinnande för lärare och skolledare inom grundskolan samt för lärare inom barnomsorgen : I: Psykosocial miljö, välbefinnande och hälsa för lärare i grundskolan. Report 108. Stockholm: Karolinska institutet.

Lundberg, M. (ed.) (1981) Arbetsmiljö, hälsa och välbefinnande för lärare inom grundskolan i Norden. Stockholm: Nordiska rådet. ISBN-91-38-06413-8.
ISBN: 91-38-06413-8

Sveriges lärarförbund and Sveriges facklärarförbund (1980) Att vara lärare - glädje eller plåga. Nordstress ett samnordiskt arbetsmiljöprojekt. ST- tryck.

Published: 2013-10-17
Last updated: 2018-11-20