Swedish opinion 1983

SND-ID: snd0097-1. Version: 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/000910

Is part of collection at SND: Swedish opinion


Alternative title


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Gunnar Boalt - Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser

Gunnar Ekman - Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser

Sten Hultgren - Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser

Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser


This dataset contains information from the fifth survey of the collection of Swedish opinion surveys. The 1983 survey was carried out in a somewhat different way than the previous surveys. Three questionnaires were used, each containing approximately 275 questions. 104 questions were put in all three questionnaires, and in all there were 538 different questions. Each questionnaire was answered by approximately 900 persons. The questionnaires were compiled with regard to the debate occurring in media during the last quarter of 1982 and the first of 1983. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous surveys, some of the questions are excluded and a number of questions are added. New questions dealt with: reasons for not wanting more children; own and parents country of origin, citizenship and thoughts of emigration; right to vote for immigrants, and Swedes living abroad; adoption; moral, ability and behaviour within a number of occupational groups; groups favoured/unfavoured in the wage negotiations; issues important for the unity within the bourgeoise parties; opinion o

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This dataset contains information from the fifth survey of the collection of Swedish opinion surveys. The 1983 survey was carried out in a somewhat different way than the previous surveys. Three questionnaires were used, each containing approximately 275 questions. 104 questions were put in all three questionnaires, and in all there were 538 different questions. Each questionnaire was answered by approximately 900 persons. The questionnaires were compiled with regard to the debate occurring in media during the last quarter of 1982 and the first of 1983. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous surveys, some of the questions are excluded and a number of questions are added. New questions dealt with: reasons for not wanting more children; own and parents country of origin, citizenship and thoughts of emigration; right to vote for immigrants, and Swedes living abroad; adoption; moral, ability and behaviour within a number of occupational groups; groups favoured/unfavoured in the wage negotiations; issues important for the unity within the bourgeoise parties; opinion on how the government succeeded in carrying out their electoral promises and how they are dealing with other problems; opinion on a number of political goals; reasons why social democrats and the bourgeoise parties can´t cooperate; conception of justice; tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Individuals aged 17-75 years

Sampling procedure

Probability: Simple random
Obundet slumpmässigt urval ur befolkningsregistret, riksomfattande.

Time period(s) investigated

1983-04-24 – 1983-06-15



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1983-04-24 – 1983-06-15
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Instrument: (Structured questionnaire)
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information
Topic and keywords

Research area

Working conditions (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Government, political systems and organisations (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Boalt, G., & Hultgren, S. (1980) I svenskarnas ögon. Stockholm: LT Förlag. ISBN: 91-36-01651-9.
Libris | Google Books
ISBN: 9789136016512

Swedish Social Science Data Service (1985) Svenska folket 1979-1985 - sex enkäter från Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser. SSD report, 2. Göteborg: Swedish Social Science Data Service.

Boalt, G. (1985) Vad vill väljarna? : åsiktsförskjutningarna 1979-1983. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell international. ISBN: 91-22-00736-9.
ISBN: 91-22-00736-9

If you have published anything based on these data, please notify us with a reference to your publication(s). If you are responsible for the catalogue entry, you can update the metadata/data description in DORIS.

Published: 1985-02-01
Last updated: 2019-02-06