Swedish Sign Language Dictionary
SND-ID: ext0408-1.
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Thomas Björkstrand - Stockholm university, Department of Linguistics
Johanna Mesch
- Stockholm University, Department of Linguistics
Research principal
Stockholm University
- Department of Linguistics
Includes many search paths. It is possible to search for i.e. word, hand shape, position, translation, and subject. It is also possible to get a list of alternative signs for the searched sign. There are presently over 40 searchable subject categories, some with additional sub categories. Advanced searches are also available, for example hand alphabet, numbers, less common signs, etc.
19 700 signs with Swedish word, video and subject divisions.
Data contains personal data
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden
Responsible department/unit
Department of Linguistics
Nikolaus Reimer Kankkonen - Stockholm university, Department of Linguistics
Joel Bäckström - Stockholm university, Department of Linguistics
Patrick Hansson - Stockholm university, Department of Linguistics
Research area
Languages and literature (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Language and linguistics (CESSDA Topic Classification)