Gold Standard for summarising text
SND-ID: ext0284-1.
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Arne Jönsson - Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science
Research principal
Linköping University - Department of Computer and Information Science
Data contains personal data
Data format / data structure
Responsible department/unit
Department of Computer and Information Science
Research area
Language technology (computational linguistics) (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Carlsson, B. (2009). Guldstandarder : dess skapande och utvärdering (Dissertation). Retrieved from
Institutional Repository
Bertil Carlsson, Arne Jönsson, Using the pyramid method to create gold standards for evaluation of extraction based text summarization techniques, Proceedings of the Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010), Linköping, Sweden, 2010.
Institutional Repository
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