Project X-69
SND-ID: ext0167-1.
Is part of collection at SND: Swedish Cohort Consortium (
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Marieann Högman
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Marieann Högman - Uppsala University, Department of Medical Sciences
Research principal
Health assessments were performed on subjects living in a city area. In total was 24 179 invited and 18 543 responded. Of the responders were 5 885 later examined. The results of the ECG, X-ray and medical examinations created the X-69 database and its continuation, the X-71, when they were performed gathered knowledge of conditions associated with population health and morbidity in the short term. At the same time gave the two surveys opportunity to create a basis for so-called prospective, prospective, epidemiological studies. The population studied the development of illness and diseases are therefore in the years after the original the examinations at different times and with different orientations followed and related to the original measurement results.
When the X-69 and X-71 was carried out it led to vast amounts of data and large computer technology was utilized which in turn required high and specific professional skills in the computer field. This was met through cooperation with Uppsala University computer centre, UDAC. In connection with a reorganization 1997 - 1998 some parts of t
When the X-69 and X-71 was carried out it led to vast amounts of data and large computer technology was utilized which in turn required high and specific professional skills in the computer field. This was met through cooperation with Uppsala University computer centre, UDAC. In connection with a reorganization 1997 - 1998 some parts of the data to feed over CD-ROMs for continued storage at Gävleborg. In connection with the transfer was additionally linkage with the Swedish National Board of cancer and mortality registries.
Health examination X-69 was essentially a study of technical object and the purpose was to:
• highlight the diagnostic enrichment effect of the use of the screening system, and especially of its blood chemical part, when it comes to identify people with deviations depending on the disease state and with current health care needs
• examine the use of thermal imaging (thermography) at screening directed at female breast cancer
• assessing the computational evaluation of the electrocardiogram for the detection of coronary and cardiac muscle,
• examine the dip-slide technique for the detection of abnormal bacterial excretion in the urine in a unselected population
• examine the practical value of the data machined questionnaire as a screening instrument. Show less..
Unit of analysis
Time Method
Sampling procedure
Data format / data structure
Research area
Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Lind L, Jakobsson S, Lithell H, Wengle B, Ljunghall S. Relation of serum calcium concentration to metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease. BMJ. 1988 Oct 15;297(6654):960-3.
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Palmer M, Adami HO, Bergström R, Jakobsson S, Akerström G, Ljunghall S. Survival and renal function in untreated hypercalcaemia. Population-based cohort study with 14 years of follow-up. Lancet. 1987 Jan 10;1(8524):59-62.