Riksmaten 1997-98

SND-ID: ext0094-1.

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Creator/Principal investigator(s)

National Food Agency

Research principal

National Food Agency - Swedish Food Agency rorId


In 1997-98, the Statistics Sweden in co-operation with the National Food Administration (NFA) carried out the second nationwide Swedish dietary survey, Riksmaten. The study was a follow-up of the previous survey (Hulk) carried out in 1989, using similar design and methods. In Riksmaten a representative sample of 2000 households consisted the survey base. In each household one person, aged 18-74 years, was selected to register food intake in a precoded 7-days record book. The participants also filled in a questionnaire with information on body weight, height, education, occupation, physical activity, smoking habits and other lifestyle factors. The sampling design was continuous, i.e. a number of households were invited to participate every second week, thus covering the whole year.

The population in Riksmaten 1997-98 was all registered persons in Sweden between 18-74 years. Subjects were drawn by using systematic sampling from a population register. The selection was based on 2,027 individuals and participation rate comprised 60 %.

The survey contained 32 questions (regarding height, weight,

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In 1997-98, the Statistics Sweden in co-operation with the National Food Administration (NFA) carried out the second nationwide Swedish dietary survey, Riksmaten. The study was a follow-up of the previous survey (Hulk) carried out in 1989, using similar design and methods. In Riksmaten a representative sample of 2000 households consisted the survey base. In each household one person, aged 18-74 years, was selected to register food intake in a precoded 7-days record book. The participants also filled in a questionnaire with information on body weight, height, education, occupation, physical activity, smoking habits and other lifestyle factors. The sampling design was continuous, i.e. a number of households were invited to participate every second week, thus covering the whole year.

The population in Riksmaten 1997-98 was all registered persons in Sweden between 18-74 years. Subjects were drawn by using systematic sampling from a population register. The selection was based on 2,027 individuals and participation rate comprised 60 %.

The survey contained 32 questions (regarding height, weight, use of supplements, the type of fats and salt in cooking, smoking and snuff, exercise , education , health status etc.).


The aim was to examine food consumption and nutrient intake among women and men in Sweden.

The dataset contains food registry and a survey from the study participants. Show less..

Data contains personal data


Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


The population consisted of persons aged 18-74 years registered in Sweden.

Time Method

Sampling procedure

Probability: Systematic random
Hushållen i undersökningen erhölls genom ett urval av personer. Ett hushåll ingick i undersökningen när någon av dess medlemmar ingick i urvalet. Vid urvalsdragningen hade alla i urvalsregistret, personer i åldern 18−74 år, samma urvalssannolikhet. Personerna drogs med systematiskt urval från ett register över totalbefolkningen. Detta register omfattar samtliga i riket folkbokförda personer sorterade i kameral ordning. Urvalsmetoden innebär en jämn geografisk
spridning av urvalet.

Bruttourvalet omfattade 2 057 personer. Av dessa kunde 30 personer inte hänföras till något privathushåll. Dessa var avlidna, hade emigrerat eller ingick i institutionshushåll. Nettourvalet omfattade 2 027 personer.

Time period(s) investigated

1997 – 1998

Number of individuals/objects


Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered writings and/or diaries
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1997 – 1998
  • Source of the data: Population group, Biological samples, Other

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1997 – 1998
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Source of the data: Population group, Biological samples, Other
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Swedish Food Agency


Becker W, Paerson M. Riksmaten 1997-98. Kostvanor och näringsintag i Sverige. Metod- och resultatanalys. Livsmedelsverket.
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