Riksmaten 1997-98
SND-ID: ext0094-1.
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
National Food Agency
Research principal
National Food Agency
- Swedish Food Agency
In 1997-98, the Statistics Sweden in co-operation with the National Food Administration (NFA) carried out the second nationwide Swedish dietary survey, Riksmaten. The study was a follow-up of the previous survey (Hulk) carried out in 1989, using similar design and methods. In Riksmaten a representative sample of 2000 households consisted the survey base. In each household one person, aged 18-74 years, was selected to register food intake in a precoded 7-days record book. The participants also filled in a questionnaire with information on body weight, height, education, occupation, physical activity, smoking habits and other lifestyle factors. The sampling design was continuous, i.e. a number of households were invited to participate every second week, thus covering the whole year.
The population in Riksmaten 1997-98 was all registered persons in Sweden between 18-74 years. Subjects were drawn by using systematic sampling from a population register. The selection was based on 2,027 individuals and participation rate comprised 60 %.
The survey contained 32 questions (regarding height, weight,
The population in Riksmaten 1997-98 was all registered persons in Sweden between 18-74 years. Subjects were drawn by using systematic sampling from a population register. The selection was based on 2,027 individuals and participation rate comprised 60 %.
The survey contained 32 questions (regarding height, weight, use of supplements, the type of fats and salt in cooking, smoking and snuff, exercise , education , health status etc.).
The aim was to examine food consumption and nutrient intake among women and men in Sweden.
The dataset contains food registry and a survey from the study participants. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
The population consisted of persons aged 18-74 years registered in Sweden.
Time Method
Sampling procedure
spridning av urvalet.
Bruttourvalet omfattade 2 057 personer. Av dessa kunde 30 personer inte hänföras till något privathushåll. Dessa var avlidna, hade emigrerat eller ingick i institutionshushåll. Nettourvalet omfattade 2 027 personer.
Time period(s) investigated
1997 – 1998
Number of individuals/objects
Response rate/participation rate
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden
Responsible department/unit
Swedish Food Agency
Research area
Health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Nutrition and dietetics (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Diet and nutrition (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Adult, Diet surveys, Socioeconomic factors, Diet, Alcohol drinking, Lipids, Coffee, Cholesterol, Tobacco, smokeless, Vitamins, Food, Nutrition policy, Recommended dietary allowances, Proteins, Energy intake, Diet records, Carbohydrates, Alcoholic beverages, Candy, Carbonated beverages, Dairy products, Dietary fiber, Disaccharides, Eggs, Fatty acids, Fatty acids, monounsaturated, Feeding behavior, Food, Ice cream, Meat, Meat-packing industry, Minerals, Nuts, Sucrose, Tea, Vegetables, Fatty acids, omega-3, Seafood, Dietary sucrose, Fatty acids, omega-6, Trans fatty acids, Fast foods, Drinking water, Tobacco use, Diet and exercise, Dietary guidelines, Food consumption, Nutrient intake, Food groups, Minerals, Nutrition
Becker W, Paerson M. Riksmaten 1997-98. Kostvanor och näringsintag i Sverige. Metod- och resultatanalys. Livsmedelsverket.
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