Public health in Scania 2012 - Survey 2: Elderly (aged 65-80 years)
SND-ID: ext0090-2.
Is part of collection at SND: Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME)
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Mathias Grahn - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Maria Rosvall - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Birgit Modén - Region Scania, Samhällsanalys
Research principal
Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in 2008, 2004 and 2000.
In 2012, a sample was drawn from the population registry among persons aged 18-80 years and living in Region Scania. The sample was stratified after sex and geographic area. An additional sample was drawn from 17 different parts of Malmö, Helsingborg and Kristianstad. Two versions of the survey was sent out; one to younger (18-64 years) and one to older individuals (65-80 years). In total 28,029 persons answered the questionnaire, corresponding to 51,7 percent of the total sample (n= 54,250).
The survey included questions related to background, health, medicine, sleep and well-being, dental health, living habits, social relations, threats and violence, trust in social institutions, work, employment and economics, occupational health, homes, housing and housing, quality of life and healthcare.
In addition to data collected from surveys, registry data were used from Statistics Sweden.
In 2012, a sample was drawn from the population registry among persons aged 18-80 years and living in Region Scania. The sample was stratified after sex and geographic area. An additional sample was drawn from 17 different parts of Malmö, Helsingborg and Kristianstad. Two versions of the survey was sent out; one to younger (18-64 years) and one to older individuals (65-80 years). In total 28,029 persons answered the questionnaire, corresponding to 51,7 percent of the total sample (n= 54,250).
The survey included questions related to background, health, medicine, sleep and well-being, dental health, living habits, social relations, threats and violence, trust in social institutions, work, employment and economics, occupational health, homes, housing and housing, quality of life and healthcare.
In addition to data collected from surveys, registry data were used from Statistics Sweden.
The aim was to get a current picture of the health, living and environmental conditions among the inhabitants of Scania. Show less..
Unit of analysis
Individuals aged 18-80 years who were registered in Skåne County during the investigation period
Time Method
Sampling procedure
Time period(s) investigated
2012-10 – 2013-03
Number of individuals/objects
Response rate/participation rate
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic description: Scania
Research area
Health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Public health, global health, social medicine and epidemiology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Economics, Aged, Ageing, Health, Quality of life, Drinking behaviour, Social class, Alcoholism, Medicinal drugs, Diseases, Dental health, Smoking, Care of dependants, Social security, Physical activities, Sleep, Sick leave, Education, Obesity, Public health, Mental health, Medical history, Passive smoking, Epidemiologic studies, Dental care, Socioeconomic factors, Human activities, Risk factors, Overweight, Diet, Noise, Surveys and questionnaires, Occupational health services, Gambling, Air pollution, Drug utilization, Narcotics, Interpersonal relations, Mental health, Suicidal ideation, Tobacco, smokeless, Stress, psychological, Nicotiana, Social participation, Residential areas, Working conditions, Socio-economic status, Traffic noise, Loneliness, Trust, Maltreatment, Diet and exercise, Assault, Emotional support, Mental illness, Insecurity, Threat, Epihealth, Epihealth_skåne, Practical support, Computing, Scania, Economic stress, Disabilities, Trust in the healthcare
Fridh M, Modén B, Lindström M, Grahn M, Rosvall M. Folkhälsorapport Skåne 2013 - en undersökning om vuxnas livsvillkor, levnadsvanor och hälsa. Region Skåne, oktober 2013.
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