OPRA: Population based prospective study of bone metabolism, bone mineral, tendency to fall and fracture incidence in 75-year-old women
SND-ID: ext0077-1.
Is part of collection at SND: Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME)
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Kristina Åkesson
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Kristina Åkesson
- Lund university, Department of Clinical Sciences
Research principal
Lund University
- Enheten för klinisk och molekylär osteoporosforskning/Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper Malmö
In the study a group of women in which age-related bone loss is already clear and common fractures at baseline are investigated. The expected increase in fracture incidence, especially of the hip, takes place within the time frame of the study. The cohort is of sufficient size to allow the sub-grouping, e.g. for fracture type. Furthermore, the study allows detailed evaluation of genes associated with bone loss, such as the elderly.
Research subjects were randomly selected from the population register. During the years 1995-1999 were treated in 1604 75-year-old women in (33% of all 75-year-old women in Malmö during the period). Of these women, participated in 1044 at the first visit. All of the study participants was 75 years at the first visit, of northern European descent, and residents in the city of Malmö. Follow-up visits occurred at 76, 78, 80 and 85 years of age.
Data have been collected during the visits, by measuring height, weight, bone density, body fat percentage, muscle mass, by physiotherapist tests (muscle strength, walking speed, balance), as well as through an exten
Research subjects were randomly selected from the population register. During the years 1995-1999 were treated in 1604 75-year-old women in (33% of all 75-year-old women in Malmö during the period). Of these women, participated in 1044 at the first visit. All of the study participants was 75 years at the first visit, of northern European descent, and residents in the city of Malmö. Follow-up visits occurred at 76, 78, 80 and 85 years of age.
Data have been collected during the visits, by measuring height, weight, bone density, body fat percentage, muscle mass, by physiotherapist tests (muscle strength, walking speed, balance), as well as through an extensive questionnaire (health, drugs, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, etc.) . Blood and urine samples were also collected at each visit. Information on fractures was collected continuously by Region Skåne's electronic radiology archives (KundRad).
To study the factors that influence bone density, bone loss and fracture risk in older women - the group with highest risk of developing osteoporosis Show less..
Unit of analysis
Time period(s) investigated
1995 – 1999
Number of individuals/objects
Response rate/participation rate
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic description: city of Malmö
Responsible department/unit
Enheten för klinisk och molekylär osteoporosforskning/Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper Malmö
Research area
Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Clinical medicine (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Orthopaedics (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Aged, Health, Smoking, Physical activities, Blood specimen collection, Longitudinal studies, Prospective studies, Osteoporosis, Urine specimen collection, Women, Alcohol drinking, Genetics, Drug utilization, Bone density, Adipose tissue, Muscle strength, Height (physiology), Weight (physiology), Scania, Epihealth, Bone mineral, Muscle mass, Epihealth_skåne