The Lundby study 1972

SND-ID: ext0059-3.

Is part of collection at SND: Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME)

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Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Erik Essen-Möller - Lund University

Olle Hagnell - Lund University

Leif Öjesjö - Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Magnus Huss klinik, Stockholm

Per Nettelbladt - Lund University and Region Skåne, Department of Clinical Science, Skåne University Hospital Lund

Cecilia Mattisson - Lund University and Region Skåne, Department of Clinical Science, Skåne University Hospital Lund

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Erik Essen-Möller - Lund University

Olle Hagnell - Lund University

Leif Öjesjö - Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Magnus Huss klinik, Stockholm

Per Nettelbladt - Lund University and Region Skåne, Department of Clinical Science, Skåne University Hospital Lund

Cecilia Mattisson - Lund University and Region Skåne, Department of Clinical Science, Skåne University Hospital Lund

Mats Bogren - Lund University and Region Skåne, Department of Clinical Science, Skåne University Hospital Lund

Louise Brådvik - Lund University and Region Skåne, Department of Clinical Science, Skåne University Hospital Lund

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Research principal

Lund University - Department of Clinical Sciences rorId


The Lundby study is a classic psychiatric epidemiological population study conducted in 1947 in Dalby and Bonderups outside Lund. The follow-up examinations during 1957, 1972 and 1997 included those still living in Dalby and Bonderups, those who moved in during 1957 and those who moved out during 1957, 1972 and 1997.

The Lundby study has produced data on the occurrence of new cases of psychiatric diseases in the population. The cohort can be used to relate changes in mental health to the individual circumstances and to society from 1947 to 1997. It is also well suited for studying the progression of common mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and dementia and mental disorders with long latency (e.g. psychosis). Interview data was supplemented by hospital records, registry data, and information from key people (family members, relatives and healthcare professionals). Loss of participation in the Lundby study has been very low, especially between 1947 and 1972. The Research Council grant funds have been used to digitalise the data. The archive is now kept at the Archives Center South in

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The Lundby study is a classic psychiatric epidemiological population study conducted in 1947 in Dalby and Bonderups outside Lund. The follow-up examinations during 1957, 1972 and 1997 included those still living in Dalby and Bonderups, those who moved in during 1957 and those who moved out during 1957, 1972 and 1997.

The Lundby study has produced data on the occurrence of new cases of psychiatric diseases in the population. The cohort can be used to relate changes in mental health to the individual circumstances and to society from 1947 to 1997. It is also well suited for studying the progression of common mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and dementia and mental disorders with long latency (e.g. psychosis). Interview data was supplemented by hospital records, registry data, and information from key people (family members, relatives and healthcare professionals). Loss of participation in the Lundby study has been very low, especially between 1947 and 1972. The Research Council grant funds have been used to digitalise the data. The archive is now kept at the Archives Center South in Lund.


The main purpose with the first Lundbystudy, performed in 1947, was to do a population study describing all the residents in Dalby and Bonderup (municipalities outside the city of Lund, not known for unusual high prevalence of illness and not geographical isolated) regarding personality traits, psychiatric diseases or and physical diseases. Follow-up studies, both new residents in 1957, remain living and expatriates, were conducted in 1957, 1972 and 1997. Show less..

Data contains personal data


Sensitive personal data


Type of personal data

Personality traits, psychiatric diseases or and physical diseases

Code key exists



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis

Time period(s) investigated

1972-05 – 1974

Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Face-to-face interview
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1972-05 – 1974
  • Source of the data: Population group

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Field observation
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1972-05 – 1974
  • Source of the data: Population group

Data collection 3

  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1972-05 – 1974
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic description: Dalby och Bonderup socknar 1947 (Lund) och nyinflyttade 1957 samt kvarboende och utflyttade 1957, 1972 och 1997.

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Clinical Sciences


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Essen-Möller E: En skånsk befolkningsundersökning. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 1956:33:271-278

Hagnell O: A prospective study of the incidence of mental disorder. Lund: Svenska Bokförlaget Bonniers.1966

Essen-Möller E: Familial interrelatedness in a Swedish rural population. Acta Genet Statist Med, Suppl ad Vol 17, 1967

Essen-Möller E, Larsson H, Uddenberg C-E, White G: Individual traits and morbidity in a Swedish rural population. 1956. Acta Psychiat Neurol Scand, Suppl 100

Essen-Möller E: Problems of taxonomy. Discussion. In J Zubin ed: Field Studies in the Mental Disorders, pp 37-38. New York: Grune & Stratton 1961.

Hagnell O: Neuroses and other nervous disturbances in a population, living in a rural area of southern Sweden, investigated in 1947 and 1957. Acta Psychiat Neurol Scand, Suppl 136, 1959:34:214-220.

Essen-Möller E: Några synpunkter på medicinska befolkningsundersökningar. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 1968:22:1-5

Essen-Möller E: The registration of familial relations in a human population. Kungl Fysiografiska Sällskapets i Lund Förhandlingar 1954:24:1-7.

Hagnell O: A prospective study of mental disorders in a total population. Social Psychiatry, Res. Publ. ARNMD, 1969:47:22-46

Hagnell O: The premorbid personality of persons who develop cancer in a total population investigated in 1947 and 1957. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1966:125:846-855.

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