The ADONIX study
SND-ID: ext0041-1.
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Kjell Torén
Associated documentation
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Kjell Torén - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
Anna-Carin Olin - University of Gothenburg, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
Research principal
University of Gothenburg
- Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
"ADONIX" is an acronyme for "Adult-onset asthma and nitric oxide" and is the collective name for the population study conducted by the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Gothenburg. 6685 randomly selected persons aged 25-75 years, have participated. The ADONIX study collaborates with the INTERGENE study and the PURE study, both at the University of Gothenburg.
The study examines the prevalence of airway inflammation using exhaled nitric oxide (NO) by putting this in relation to the concentration of small particulates in the air on the particular day the measurement was made and the days before. Air pollution data are imported from Gothenburg Environmental Administration and other municipalities in Västra Götaland. Measurement of nitric oxide in exhaled air may eventually become a good test to diagnose asthma or other lung disease. The subjects also do a lung function test (spirometry), and answer questions concerning background factors such as recent job, allergies, asthma and heredity, and the current exposure of different kinds of air pollution both indoors
The study examines the prevalence of airway inflammation using exhaled nitric oxide (NO) by putting this in relation to the concentration of small particulates in the air on the particular day the measurement was made and the days before. Air pollution data are imported from Gothenburg Environmental Administration and other municipalities in Västra Götaland. Measurement of nitric oxide in exhaled air may eventually become a good test to diagnose asthma or other lung disease. The subjects also do a lung function test (spirometry), and answer questions concerning background factors such as recent job, allergies, asthma and heredity, and the current exposure of different kinds of air pollution both indoors and outdoors.
In addition, anthropometric measurements, measurement of body composition, ECG, blood tests and questionnaires on lifestyle factors (in collaboration with INTERGENE and PURE).
Follow up with a new survey is planned to start 2013.
The original primary aim was investigating whether increased fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is associated with an increased risk for new-onset asthma. This has been extended to an overall aim to increase the understanding of the interactions between different risk factors and genetic susceptibility in the mechanisms and prognosis for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), coronary heart diseases and stroke.
2490 of the participants are also part of the INTERGENE study Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Women and men in the age 25-75 years
Time Method
Sampling procedure
Time period(s) investigated
2001 – 2008
Number of individuals/objects
Response rate/participation rate
Data format / data structure
Responsible department/unit
Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
Research area
Respiratory medicine and allergy (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Diagnosis, Anthropometry, Blood specimen collection, Body composition, Respiratory tract diseases, Dyspnea, Life style, Electrocardiography, Socioeconomic factors, Asthma, Noise, Cough, Nitric oxide, Air pollution, Respiratory tract infections, Drug utilization, Rhinitis, allergic, seasonal, Smoking, Disease, Sick leave, Particulate matter, Spirometry, Pets, Occupational exposure, Heredity, Hypersensitivity
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Hägg DA, Jernås M, Wiklund O, Thelle DS, Fagerberg B, Eriksson P, Hamsten A, Olsson B, Carlsson B, Carlsson LM, Svensson PA. Expression profiling of macrophages from subjects with atherosclerosis to identify novel susceptibility genes. Int J Mol Med. 2008 Jun;21(6):697-704.