The BAMSE project 4 years

SND-ID: ext0037-4.

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Erik Melén

Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Magnus Wickman - Karolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental Medicine

Göran Pershagen - Karolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental Medicine

Inger Kull - Karolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental Medicine

Erik Melén - Karolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental Medicine

Anna Bergström - Karolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental Medicine

Research principal

Karolinska Institutet - Institute of Environmental Medicine rorId


Both heredity and environmental factors influence childrens' risk for developing respiratory and allergy related diseases, but how these factors influence the age of onset and the prognosis is little studied. It is also unknown which factors determine whether these diseases disappear in the childhood years, if they remain mild or worsen. An integrated database where lifestyle and allergic diseases are studied from birth through adolescence is lacking both nationally and internationally.

From 1994 to 1996 a little more than 4,000 children were borne in certain pre-selected areas of Stockholm County. They have been followed repeatedly with questionnaires and surveys (at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 years of age) as part of the so-called BAMSE project. In the last follow-up the response rate was 82% compared to baseline.

Now, when the youths have reached the age 16 years, a resource-intensive data collection has started, including studies of weight, height, blood pressure, lung function tests, patch tests and blood tests (complete blood count, allergy levels and genetics, and nasal lavage). A larger da

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Both heredity and environmental factors influence childrens' risk for developing respiratory and allergy related diseases, but how these factors influence the age of onset and the prognosis is little studied. It is also unknown which factors determine whether these diseases disappear in the childhood years, if they remain mild or worsen. An integrated database where lifestyle and allergic diseases are studied from birth through adolescence is lacking both nationally and internationally.

From 1994 to 1996 a little more than 4,000 children were borne in certain pre-selected areas of Stockholm County. They have been followed repeatedly with questionnaires and surveys (at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 years of age) as part of the so-called BAMSE project. In the last follow-up the response rate was 82% compared to baseline.

Now, when the youths have reached the age 16 years, a resource-intensive data collection has started, including studies of weight, height, blood pressure, lung function tests, patch tests and blood tests (complete blood count, allergy levels and genetics, and nasal lavage). A larger database of more than 6000 variables containing all the information gathered has gradually been built up. Extensive national and international research cooperation around environmental factors and genetics in relation to the development of pulmonary and allergic diseases has been established within the project.

By using the collected data material the development of allergic diseases has been described as well as risk factors for allergic diseases and the impact on quality of life of such diseases. More than 70 scientific articles have been published and 16 doctoral dissertations and licentiate thesis has been presented. Extensive efforts to develop the database are ongoing through entering and evaluating the collected data, work with descriptions of individual and composite variables that are used by the various research groups, and through developing the epidemiological and statistical analysis techniques. With help from epidemiology assistants and statisticians a high quality of the data used by different research groups is ensured.

New opportunities for research: More than 30 senior researchers at KI, as well as nationally and internationally outside KI works within the project. The project is part of a European cooperation in which a significant number of cohorts are included in order to obtain sufficient statistical power. Data on more than 30 000 children are included in the European database where BAMSE is contributing with data on 4000 children. Several areas can be researched, but the main emphasis will be on respiratory and allergic diseases, environmental factors and genetics. Great efforts are made for the database to become known and available to researchers. The BAMSE database structure is already available online at three different sites.

Importance of study: With its population-based recruitment, repeated follow-ups with the collection of biological material throughout childhood and into adolescence, little loss, more than 6000 variables, a European cooperation and the development of a common database of more than 30 000 children, there is an excellent opportunity to cutting-edge research aimed at preventing pulmonary and allergic diseases and to reduce the burden on those already affected.


To better understand how factors such as environment and lifestyle affect the risk of allergic disease in childhood.

Blood samples collected from 2965 participants Show less..
Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Children and parents from selected areas in Stockholm County

Sampling procedure

All parents to children born in Järfälla, Solna, Sundbyberg, Vasastan and Norrmalm from Februari 1994 to November 1996 were asked by their pediatric clinic nurse to participate in the study.

Time period(s) investigated

1994 – Ongoing



Number of individuals/objects


Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Physical measurements and tests
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1998 – 2000
  • Source of the data: Population group

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1998 – 2000
  • Source of the data: Population group
Language resources
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Geographic description: Järfälla, Solna and Sundbyberg municipalities and the city districts Vasastan and Norrmalm i in the middle of Stockholm

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Institute of Environmental Medicine


Sort by name | Sort by year

Kull, Inger. Infant feeding and allergy in children. Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm 2005

Wickman M, Melen E, Berglind N, Lennart Nordvall S, Almqvist C, Kull I, Svartengren M, Pershagen G. Strategies for preventing wheezing and asthma in small children. Allergy 2003; 58(8): 742-747.

Ballardini N., Kull I., Lind T., Hallner E., Almqvist C., Ostblom E., Melén E., Pershagen G., Lilja G., Bergström A., Wickman M. Development and comorbidity of eczema, asthma and rhinitis to age 12 - data from the BAMSE birth cohort. Allergy 2012 Feb 16.

Westman M., Stjärne P., Asarnoj A., Kull I., van Hage M., Wickman M., Toskala E. Natural course and comorbidities of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis in children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2012 Feb;129(2):403-8.

Vrijheid M., Casas M., Bergström A., Carmichael A., Cordier S., Eggesbø M., Eller E., Fantini MP., Fernández MF., Fernández-Somoano A., Gehring U., Grazuleviciene R., Hohmann C., Karvonen AM., Keil T., Kogevinas M., Koppen G., Krämer U., Kuehni CE., Magnus P., Majewska R., Andersen AM., Patelarou E., Petersen MS., Pierik FH., Polanska K., Porta D., Richiardi L., Santos AC., Slama R., Sram RJ., Thijs C., Tischer C., Toft G., Trnovec T., Vandentorren S., Vrijkotte TG., Wilhelm M., Wright J., Nieuw

Gruzieva O., Bellander T., Eneroth K., Kull I., Melén E., Nordling E., van Hage M., Wickman M., Moskalenko V., Hulchiy O., Pershagen G. Traffic-related air pollution and development of allergic sensitization in children during the first 8 years of life. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2012 Jan; 129(1): 240-6

Magnusson JÖ., Kull I., Mai XM., Wickman M., Bergström A. Early childhood overweight and asthma and allergic sensitization at 8 years of age. Pediatrics. 2012 Jan;129(1):70-6.

Panasevich S., Lindgren C., Kere J., Wickman M., Pershagen G., Nyberg F., Melén E. Interaction between early maternal smoking and variants in TNF and GSTP1 in childhood wheezing.
Clin Exp Allergy 2010 Mar;40(3):458-67.

Nydert P., Kimland E., Kull I., Lindemalm S. Over-the-counter drug use - estimations within the Swedish paediatric population. European Journal of Pediatrics 2011 May;170(5):583-8

Neumann A., Söderhäll C., Fölster-Holst R., Baurecht H., Harde V., Müller-Wehling K., Rodríguez E., Ruether A., Franke A., Wagenpfeil S., Novak N., Mempel M., Kalali BN., Allgaeuer M., Koch J., Gerhard M., Melén E., Wahlgren CF., Kull I., Stahl C., Pershagen G., Lauener R., Riedler J., Doekes G., Scheynius A., Illig T., von Mutius E., Schreiber S., Kere J., Kabesch M., Weidinger S. A comprahensive analysis of the COL29A1 gene does not support a role in eczema. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Imm

Rosenlund H., Kull I., Pershagen G., Wolk A., Wickman M., Bergström A. Fruit and vegetable consumption in relation to allergy: disease-related modification of consumption?
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2011 May;127(5):1219-25.

Brew BK., Kull I., Garden F., Almqvist C., Bergström A., Lind T., Webb K., Wickman M., Marks GB. Breastfeeding, asthma and allergy: a tale of two cities Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2012 Feb;23(1):75-82

Bunyavanich S., Melen E., Wilk JB., Granada M., Soto-Quiros ME., Avila L., Lasky-Su J., Hunninghake GM., Wickman M., Pershagen G., O'Connor GT., Weiss ST., Celedón JC.
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is associated with allergic rhinitis in children with asthma. Clinical and Molecular Allergy 2011 Jan 18;9:1

Asarnoj A., Movérare R, Ostblom E., Poorafshar M., Lilja G., Hedlin G., van Hage M., Ahlstedt S., Wickman M. IgE to peanut allergen components: relation to peanut symptoms and pollen sensitization in 8-year-olds. Allergy 2010 Sep;65(9):1189-95.

Asarnoj A., Östblom E., Ahlstedt S., Hedlin G., Lilja G., van Hage M., Wickman M. Reported symptoms to peanut between 4 and 8 years among children sensitized to peanut and birch pollen - results from the BAMSE birth cohort. Allergy 2010; 65: 213-219

Saarne T., Grönlund H., Kull I., Almqvist C., Wickman M., van Hage M. Cat sensitization identified by recombinant Fel d 1 several years before symptoms - results from the bamse cohort. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2010; 21: 277-283

Hallberg J., Anderson M., Wickman M., Svartengren M. Sex influences on lung function and medication in childhood asthma. Acta Pædiatrica, 2006; 95: 1191-1196

Hallberg J., Anderson M., Wickman M., Svartengren M. Factors in Infancy and Childhood Related to Reduced Lung Function in Asthmatic Children: A Birth Cohort Study (BAMSE). Pediatric Pulmonology 2010; 45: 341-348

Donner J., Haapakoski R., Ezer S., Melén E., Pirkola S., Gratacòs M., Zucchelli M., Anedda F., Johansson L. E., Söderhäll C., Orsmark-Pietras C., Suvisaari J., Martín-Santos R., Torrens M., Silander K., Terwilliger J. D., Wickman M., Pershagen G., Lönnqvist J., Peltonen L., Estivill X., D'Amato M., Kere J., Alenius H., Hovatta I. Assessment of the Neuropeptide S System in Anxiety Disorders. Biological Psychiatry 2010;68:474-483

Böhme M., Kull I., Bergström A., Wickman M., Nordvall L., Pershagen G., Wahlgren CF. Parental smoking increases the risk for eczema with sensitization in 4-year-old children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2010 Apr;125(4):941-3.

Marmsjö K., Rosenlund H., Kull I., Håkansson N., Wickman M., Pershagen G., Bergström A.
Use of multivitamin supplements in relation to allergic disease in 8-y-old children. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009 Dec;90(6):1693-8.

Hunninghake GM., Cho MH., Tesfaigzi Y., Soto-Quiros ME., Avila L., Lasky-Su J., Stidley C., Melén E., Söderhäll C., Hallberg J., Kull I., Kere J., Svartengren M., Pershagen G., Wickman M., Lange C., Demeo DL., Hersh CP., Klanderman BJ., Raby BA., Sparrow D., Shapiro SD., Silverman EK., Litonjua AA., Weiss ST., Celedón JC. MMP12, lung function, and COPD in high-risk populations. The New England Journal of Medicine 2009 Dec 31;361(27):2599-608

Janzi M., Kull I., Sjöberg R., Wan J., Melén E., Bayat N., Östblom E., Pan-Hammarström Q., Nilsson P., Hammarström L. Selective IgA deficiency in early life: Association to infections and allergic diseases during childhood. Clinical Immunology 2009; 133: 78-85

Panasevich S., Leander K., Rosenlund M., Ljungman P., Bellander T., de Faire U., Pershagen G., Nyberg F. Associations of long- and short-term air pollution exposure with markers of inflammation and coagulation in a population sample. Occup Environ Med. 2009 Nov;66(11):747-53.

Melén E., Nyberg F., Lindgren CM., Berglind N., Zucchelli M., Nordling E., Hallberg J., Svartengren M., Morgenstern R., Kere J., Bellander T., Wickman M., Pershagen G. Interactions between glutathione S-transferase P1, tumor necrosis factor, and traffic-related air pollution for development of childhood allergic disease. Environmental Health Perspectives 2008 Aug;116(8):1077-84.

Nordling E., Berglind N., Melén E., Emenius G., Hallberg J., Nyberg F., Pershagen G., Svartengren M., Wickman M., Bellander T. Traffic-related air pollution and childhood respiratory symptoms, function and allergies. Epidemiology 2008 May;19(3):401-8

Asarnoj A., Östblom E., Kull I., Lilja G., Pershagen G., Hedlin G., van Hage M., Wickman M.
Sensitization to inhalant allergens between 4 and 8 years of age is a dynamic process: results from the BAMSE birth cohort. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2008; 38: 1507-1513

Mai X.-M., Neuman Å., Östblom E., Pershagen G., Nordvall L., Almqvist C.,
van Hage M., Wickman M. Symptoms to pollen and fruits early in life and allergic disease at 4 years of age. Allergy 2008; 63: 1499-1504

Lannerö E., Wickman M., van Hage M., Bergström A., Pershagen G., Nordvall.L. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and sensitisation in children. Thorax 2008; 63: 172-176

Östblom E., Egmar A.-C., Gardulf A., Lilja G., Wickman M. The impact of food hypersensitivity reported in 9-year-old children by their parents on health-related quality of life. Allergy 2008: 63: 211-218

Mai X-M., Almqvist C., Nilsson L., Wickman M. Birth anthropometric measures, body mass index and allergic diseases in a birth cohort study (BAMSE). Archives of Disease in Childhood 2007; 92: 881-886

Kull I., Bergström A., Melén E., Lilja G., van Hage M., Pershagen G., Wickman M. Early-life supplementation of vitamins A and D, in water-soluble form or in peanut oil, and allergic diseases during childhood. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2006 Dec;118(6):1299-304.

Lannerö E., Pershagen G., Wickman M., Nordvall L. Maternal smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of recurrent wheezing during the first years of life (BAMSE). Respiratory Research -On line. 2006; 7:3

Ghunaim N., Wickman M., Almqvist C., Söderström L., Ahlstedt S., van Hage M. Sensitization to different pollens and allergic disease in 4-year-old Swedish children. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2006; 36: 722-727

Kull I., Bergström A., Lilja G., Pershagen G., Wickman M. Fish consumption during the first year of life and development of allergic diseases during childhood. Allergy 2006; 61: 1009-1015.

Melén E., Umerkajeff S., Nyberg F., Zucchelli M., Lindstedt A., Gullstén H., Wickman M., Pershagen G., Kere J. Interaction between variants in the interleukin-4 receptor a and interleukin-9 receptor genes in childhood wheezing: evidence from a birth cohort study. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2006; 36: 1391-1398

Wickman M., Lilja G., Söderström L., van Hage-Hamsten M., Ahlstedt S. Quantitative analysis of IgE antibodies to food and inhalant allergens in 4-year-old children reflects their likelihood of allergic disease. Allergy 2005: 60: 650-657

Almqvist C., Pershagen G., Wickman M. Low socioeconomic status as a risk factor for asthma, rhinitis and sensitisation at four years in a birth cohort. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2005; 35:612-618

Kull I., Bohme M., Wahlgren CF., Nordvall L., Pershagen G., Wickman M. Breast-feeding reduces the risk for childhood eczema. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2005; 116:657-61

Melén E., Bruce S., Doekes G., Kabesch M., Laitinen T., Lauener R., Lindgren C. M., Riedler J., Scheynius A., van Hage-Hamsten M., Kere J., Pershagen G., Wickman M., Nyberg F., and the PARSIFAL Genetics Study Group. Haplotypes of G Protein-coupled Receptor 154 Are Associated with Childhood Allergy and Asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2005; 171

Sidorchuk A., Wickman M., Pershagen G., Lagarde F., Linde A. Cytomegalovirus infection and development of allergic diseases in early childhood: interaction with EBV infection? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2004 Dec;114(6):1434-40

Melén E, Kere J, Pershagen G, Svartengren M, Wickman M. Influence of male sex and parental allergic disease on childhood wheezing: role of interactions. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2004 Jun;34(6):839-44.

Emenius G, Svartengren M, Korsgaard J, Nordvall L, Pershagen G, Wickman M. Building characteristics, indoor air quality and recurrent wheezing in very young children (BAMSE).
Indoor Air 2004; 14: 34-42.

Kull I, Lilja G, Almqvist C, Pershagen G, Wickman M. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of asthma during the first four years of life. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2004, 114; 755-760.

Emenius G., Svartengren M., Korsgaard J., Nordvall L., Pershagen G., Wickman M. Indoor exposures and recurrent wheezing in infants: a study in the BAMSE cohort. Acta Pædiatrica 2004; 93: 899-905

Wickman, M. Experience with quantitative IgE antibody analysis in relation to allergic disease within the BAMSE birth cohort - towards an improved diagnostic process. Allergy 2004; 59 (Suppl. 78): 30-31

Sidorchuk A., Lagarde F., Pershagen G., Wickman M., Linde A. Epstein-Barr virus infection is not associated with development of allergy in children. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2003 Jul;22(7):642-7

Wickman M, Ahlstedt S, Lilja G, van Hage-Hamsten M. Quantification of IgE antibodies simplifies the classification of allergic diseases in 4-year-old children. A report from the prospective birth cohort study - BAMSE. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2003; 14: 441-447.

Almqvist C, Egmar AC, Hedlin G, Lundqvist M, Nordvall S, Pershagen G, Svartengren M, Hage-Hamsten M, Wickman M. Direct and indirect exposure to pets - risk of sensitization and asthma at 4 years in birth cohort. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2003; 33: 1190-1197.

Almqvist C, Egmar AC, van Hage-Hamsten M, Berglind N, Pershagen G, Nordvall SL, et al.
Heredity, pet ownership, and confounding control in a population-based birth cohort. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2003; 111: 800-6

Emenius G, Pershagen G, Berglind N, Kwon HJ, Lewné M, Nordvall L, Wickman M. NO2, as a marker of air pollution, and recurrent wheezing in children - a nested case-control study within the BAMSE birth cohort. Occupupational and Environmental Medicine 2003; 60(11): 876-81.

Wickman M, Kull I, Pershagen G, Nordvall SL. The BAMSE project: presentation of a prospective longitudinal birth cohort study. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2002; 13(Suppl. 15): 11-13.

Lannerö E, Kull I, Tollin L, Pershagen G, Wickman M, Nordvall L. Environmental risk factors for allergy and socio-economic status in a birth cohort (BAMSE). Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2002; 13: 182-187

Böhme M, Lannerö E, Wickman M, Nordvall S, Wahlgren C. Atopic dermatitis and concomitant disease patterns in children up to two years of age. Acta Dermato Venereologica 2002; 82: 98-103

Kull I , Wickman M, Lilja G, Nordvall SL, Pershagen G. Breast feeding and allergic diseases in infants - a prospective birth cohort study (BAMSE). Archives of Disease in Childhood 2002; 87: 478-481.

Böhme M, Svensson Å, Kull I, Nordvall SL, Wahlgren CF. Clinical features of atopic dermatitis at two years of age: A prospective, population-based case-control study.
Acta Derm Venereol 2001; 81:193-197.

Böhme M, Svensson Å, Kull I, Wahlgren CF. Hanfin's and Rajka's minor criteria for atopic dermatitis: Which do 2-year-olds exhibit?J Am Acad Dermatol 2000; 43:785-792.

Janzi, Magdalena. Development of screening for primary immunodeficiency. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet 2009

Roll Bennet, Petra. Doing Parenthood' and Child Health: Parents' understandings and narratives of child eczema.
Thesis, Stockholms university 2006

Panasevich, Sviatlana. Air pollution, genetic susceptibility and inflammation - Focusing on cardiovascular effects in adults and respiratory effects in children. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 2011

Rosenlund, Helene. Protective factors in childhood allergy related to diet and lifestyle. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 2010

Saarne, Tiiu. Recombinant cat and mite allergens as tools in the study of diagnosis and treatment of allergy. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 2008

Östblom, Eva. Symptoms of food hypersensitivity in relation to sensitization to food and health-related quality of life in children. Thesis, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm 2008

Lannerö, Eva. Parental smoking, wheezing and sensitisation in early childhood. Thesis, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm 2008

Hallberg, Jenny. Factors associated with lung function impairment in children and adults with obstructive lung disease. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet 2008.

Ghunaim, Nariman.The use of allergen-specific IgE in the diagnosis of pollenrelated food allergy. Licentiatavhandling, Karolinska Institutet 2004

Sidorchuck, Anna. Environmental and lifestyle factors, including viral infections, in relation to development of allergy among children in Saint-Petersburg and Stockholm. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet 2007

Melén, Erik. Genetic studies on childhood asthma and allergy : Role of interactions. Thesis, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm 2006

Egmar, Ann-Charlotte. Katten också! Exponering för pälsdjur och dess konsekvenser för pälsdjursallergiska barn. Thesis, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm 2005

Emenius Gunnel. Indoor environment and recurrent wheezing in young children. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet Stockholm 2003

Normann, Erik. Chlamydia pnemoniae in Children, Epidemiology and Clinical Implications. Thesis, Uppsala University 2003

Almqvist, Catarina. Cat and dog allergens: Dispersal, exposure and health effects in childhood. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet 2002

Böhme, Maria. Atopic dermatitis: Clinical and epidemiological aspects in children up to four years. Thesis, Karolinska Institutet 2002

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