Axel Hamberg's Sarek research 1895-1933: Use of Invisible Sámi Assistants
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Karin Granqvist - Royal institute of Technology, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Research principal
Royal Institute of Technology - Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
The natural geographer Axel Hamberg (1863-1933) became the funder of the research in the mountain massif, Sarek, Sweden, the area known as Sweden’s last wild life area. He based his thesis on the research results from Sarek. He installed instruments for hydrographical and metrological measurements, as well as for sun hour registrations. However, he was only present in the summers/autumns, so to keep the measurements on an annual basis did he hire Sámi as research assistants. Lars Nilsson Tuorda (1858-1930) became the most hired one, and was employed as a regular for almost two decades. Tuorda made most of the annual registrations and measurements in the Sarek research, supervised logistics in the area, and became in charge of the financial aspect of the research organisation when Hamberg was not present. Tuorda’s responsibility was massive. In Hamberg’s published scientific works are the efforts made by Tuorda, and other extras and assistants, not mentioned. Tourda’s, and others’ jobs, were only revealed in Tuorda’s letters to Hamberg, and in Hamberg’s private field diaries. Hamberg made the e
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Responsible department/unit
Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Research area
History (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Communities, Human dimensions, Social behavior, Population, Population size, Land use/land cover classification, Land use classes, Land surface, Land use/land cover, Land resources, Geomorphic landforms/processes, Glacial landforms, Tectonic landforms, Landscape, Landscape ecology, Landscape management, Topography, Contour maps, Earth and environmental sciences, Attitude
«Between the Arctic 'Other' and Subject: Two Researchers' Images of Sámi in the 19th century» in C. Folke Ax (eds.) Encountering Foreign Worlds: Experiences at Home and Abroad, Proceedings from the 26th Nordic Congress of Historians Reykjavík 8-12 August 2007, Reyjavík Háskólaútgáfan: University of Iceland Press, pp. 69-86.