CAPTURE survey on making and using archaeological data
SND-ID: 2024-429. Version: 1. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Isto Huvila - Uppsala University, Department of ALM
Olle Sköld - Uppsala University, Department of ALM
Lisa Andersson - Uppsala University, Department of ALM
Research principal
Uppsala University - Department of ALM
Principal's reference number
ABM 2018/9
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Individuals who, according to themselves, had previously used and/or created, collected or deposited archaeological data (understood broadly, ranging from digital data to finds collections)
Time Method
Sampling procedure
Number of individuals/objects
Response rate/participation rate
Convenience sample, impossible to determine response rate.
Geographic spread
Geographic description: Geographically the survey covered all continents except Australia and Antarctica
Responsible department/unit
Department of ALM
Research area
History (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Science and technology (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Information studies (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Society (INSPIRE topic categories)
Huvila, I., Andersson, L., Sköld, O., & Liu, Y.-H. (2024). Data makers’ and users’ views on useful paradata: priorities in documenting data creation, curation, manipulation and use in archaeology. Forthcoming in International Journal of Digital Curation.
Huvila, I., Andersson, L., & Sköld, O. (2024). Patterns in paradata preferences among the makers and reusers of archaeological data. Data and Information Management.