INDILACT – Extended voluntary waiting period in primiparous dairy cows. Part 2: Customized VWP – Metadata and R–scripts with statistical calculations

SND-ID: 2024-424.

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Alternative title


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Anna Edvardsson Rasmussen - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences orcid

Research principal

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare rorId

Principal's reference number



This is part 2 of INDILACT, part 1 is published separately.

The objective of this study is to investigate how a customized voluntary waiting period before first insemination in prmiparous dairy cows would affect milk production, fertility and health of primparous dairy cows during their first calving interval.

The data was registered between January 2019 and october 2022.

This data is archived:
- Metadata (publically available)
- Raw data (.txt files) from the Swedish national herd recording scheme (SNDRS), operated by Växa Sverige: access restricted due to agreements with the principle owners of the data, Växa Sverige and the farms. Code lists are available in INDILACT part 1.
- Aggregated data (Excel files): access restricted due to agreements with the principle owners of the data, Växa Sverige and the farms

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This is part 2 of INDILACT, part 1 is published separately.

The objective of this study is to investigate how a customized voluntary waiting period before first insemination in prmiparous dairy cows would affect milk production, fertility and health of primparous dairy cows during their first calving interval.

The data was registered between January 2019 and october 2022.

This data is archived:
- Metadata (publically available)
- Raw data (.txt files) from the Swedish national herd recording scheme (SNDRS), operated by Växa Sverige: access restricted due to agreements with the principle owners of the data, Växa Sverige and the farms. Code lists are available in INDILACT part 1.
- Aggregated data (Excel files): access restricted due to agreements with the principle owners of the data, Växa Sverige and the farms
- R- scripts with statistical calculations (Openly available)

Metadata (3 filer):
- Metadata gentypning: The only new file type compared to INDILACT Part 1, description of how this data category have been handled. The other file-types have been handled in the same way as in INDILACT Part 1.
- Metadata - del 2 - General summary of initioal data handeling for aggregation of the files of the same types (dates etc.) to create excel-files used in the R-scripts.
- DisCodes: Divisions of the diagnoses into categories.

Raw data:
-59 .txt files containing data retrieved from SNDRS from 8 separate occacions.
-Data from 18 Swedish farms from Jan 2019 to Oct 2022.

Aggregeated data:
- 29 Excelfiles. The textfiles have been transformed to Excel formate and all data from the same file type is aggregated into one file.
- Data collected from the farms by email and phone contact, about individual cows enrolled in the trial, from Oct 2020 to Oct 2022.
- One merged Script derived from initial data handeling in R where relevant variables were calculated and aggregated to be used for statistical calculations.

R-script with data handeling and statistical calculations:
- "Data analysis part 2 - final": Data handeling to create the file used in the statistical calculations.
- "Part 2 - Binomial models - Fertility": Statistiscal calculations of variables using Binomial models.
- "Part 2 - glmmTMB models - Fertility": Statistiscal calculations of variables using glmmTMB models.
- "Part 2 - linear models - Fertility": Statistiscal calculations of fertility variables using linear models.
- "Part 2 - linear models": Statistiscal calculations of milk variables using linear models.

Running the R scripts requires access to the restricted files. The files should be unpacked in a subdirectory "data" relative to the working directory for the scripts. See also the file "sessionInfo.txt" for information on R packages used. Show less..

Data contains personal data


Type of personal data

Coded farm identifiers

Code key exists


Data contain other protected information

Yes: Agreements exist between SLU and the Farms and between SLU and Växa to not publish data that can be connected to a specific farm.


Method and outcome


Dariy cows in 20 commercial dairy farms in the South of sweden. Herds with at least 100 cows, good fertility and an average of > 9000 kg milk per year.

Study design

Experimental study

Description of study design

Customization of voluntary waiting period (VWP) before first insemination (an thereby calving interval length) for primiparous cows expected to benefit from an extended calvinginterval based on genetic potential for a persistent lactation, disease or caling problem in early lactation or higher than herd average milk yield in early lactation.

Time period(s) investigated

2019-01-01 – 2022-10-27



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Recording
  • Description of the mode of collection: Data on parentage, breed, calvings, estrus intensity, diseases, inseminations, milk production parameters already recorded by the farms about the cows on the farms participating in the study, administered by VÄXA Sverige was retrieved from VÄXA on 8 occations.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2019-01-01 – 2022-10-27
  • Data collector: VÄXA
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Field/Intervention experiment
  • Description of the mode of collection: Data was retrieved from the farms about the cows in the trial by e-mail and phone contact with an interval of a few weeks. The data was registered in an Excel file.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2020-10-01 – 2021-05-31
  • Data collector: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Geographic description: Southern Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare


Cecilia Kronqvist - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare orcid

Erling Strandberg - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Biosciences orcid

Maria Åkerlind - Växa Sverige orcid

Renée Båge - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Clinical Sciences orcid

Kjell Holtenius - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare orcid

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Cecilia Kronqvist - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare orcid

Erling Strandberg - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Biosciences orcid

Maria Åkerlind - Växa Sverige orcid

Renée Båge - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Clinical Sciences orcid

Kjell Holtenius - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare orcid

Växa Sverige

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  • Funding agency: Swedish Farmers’ Foundation for Agricultural Research rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: O-17-20-957
  • Project name on the application: Indicvidually adaptred lactation length for profitable and sustainable milk production

Ethics Review

Ref. Dnr 5.8.18-10126/2018 (Uppsala)

There is an approved ethical review application, for taking hair and bloodsamples for genetic evaluation.


Sort by name | Sort by year

Edvardsson Rasmussen, A., Holtenius, K., Båge, R., Strandberg, E., Åkerlind, M., Kronqvist, C., 2024. Customized voluntary waiting period before first insemination in primiparous dairy cows. Effect on milk production, fertility and health. Journal of Dairy Science.

Edvardsson Rasmussen, A., 2023. Extended voluntary waiting period before first insemination in primiparous dairy cows : effects on milk production, fertility, and health. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae.
ISSN: 1652-6880

Edvardsson Rasmussen, A., Båge, R., Holtenius, K., Strandberg, E., von Brömssen, C., Åkerlind, M., Kronqvist, C., 2023. A randomized study on the effect of an extended voluntary waiting period in primiparous dairy cows on fertility, health, and culling during first and second lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 106, 8897–8909.

Edvardsson Rasmussen, A., Holtenius, K., Båge, R., Strandberg, E., Åkerlind, M., Kronqvist, C., 2023. A randomized study on the effect of extended voluntary waiting period in primiparous dairy cows on milk yield during first and second lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 106, 2510–2518.

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