INDILACT – Extended voluntary waiting period in primiparous dairy cows. Part 1: randomized controlled trial – Daily milk yield
SND-ID: 2022-131-1.
Access to data via
Institutionen för Husdjurens Utfodring och Vård
Anna Edvardsson Rasmussen
Alternative title
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Anna Edvardsson Rasmussen - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Nutrition and Management
Research principal
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Department of Animal Nutrition and Management
Principal's reference number
The objective of the study is to investigate how an extended voluntary waiting period between calving and first insemination in primiparous cows would affect milk production and fertility during their first and second calving interval.
The data is registered between August 2018 to September 2021.
Data from 2 different sources. Access to these data is restricted due to the agreement with the principal owner of the data Växa Sverige.
1. Data (.txt files) from the Swedish Official Milk Recording System, operated by Växa Sverige regarding breed, calvings, inseminations, 305-d lactation yields, test-day yields, and dry-off dates from 16 farms. The inclusion criteria for the farms included herds with >100 dairy cows in production and a herd average milk production of at least 9 000 kg ECM/cow/year, a mean CI of < 14 months, and a system for daily milk yield registration.
2. Daily milk yields from the milking systems on the farms (three different types of systems: DeLaval, Lely and GEA), Excel files.
Metadata available:
One file with metadata, describing the data processing steps for each categor
The data is registered between August 2018 to September 2021.
Data from 2 different sources. Access to these data is restricted due to the agreement with the principal owner of the data Växa Sverige.
1. Data (.txt files) from the Swedish Official Milk Recording System, operated by Växa Sverige regarding breed, calvings, inseminations, 305-d lactation yields, test-day yields, and dry-off dates from 16 farms. The inclusion criteria for the farms included herds with >100 dairy cows in production and a herd average milk production of at least 9 000 kg ECM/cow/year, a mean CI of < 14 months, and a system for daily milk yield registration.
2. Daily milk yields from the milking systems on the farms (three different types of systems: DeLaval, Lely and GEA), Excel files.
Metadata available:
One file with metadata, describing the data processing steps for each category of data, is provided. Also available are Code-lists for reading the data from the text files and for decoding the codes in the text files. R scripts with statistical calculations are also available.
Daily milk yields from the milking systems on the farms (three different types of systems: DeLaval, Lely, and GEA), Excel and CSV files. The majority of data is available, but there are holes with lacking information due to files not being sent from the farms before they were deleted from the milking systems.
Variables Farm-ID, cow-ID, date and time for milking, milk yield per milking (kg). Show less..
Data contains personal data
Type of personal data
Far identity number which can be connected to other personal information such as owner adress, contact details etc.
Code key exists
Time period(s) investigated
2018-08-01 – 2021-09
Data format / data structure
Species and taxons
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden
Geographic description: The farms where the data is collected is situated in the south of Sweden in Västergötland, Småland, Västmanland, Närke, Östergötland, Gotland, Uppland, Värmland, Södermanland and Dalsland.
Responsible department/unit
Department of Animal Nutrition and Management
Cecilia Kronqvist - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department och Animal Nutrition and Management
Kjell Holtenius - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department och Animal Nutrition and Management
Erling Strandberg - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Renée Båge - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Clinical Sciences
... Show more..Cecilia Kronqvist - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department och Animal Nutrition and Management
Kjell Holtenius - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department och Animal Nutrition and Management
Erling Strandberg - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Renée Båge - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Clinical Sciences
Växa Sweden
Show less..Ethics Review
Uppsala - Ref. Dnr 5.8.18-10126/2018
There is an apporved Ethical review application, but in this part of the project we have not used information that needed ethical approval, only collection of data.
Research area
Animal and dairy science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)