Data for: Timestamped list-mode data from coincidence γ-ray spectrometry with HPGe detectors on air-filter samples

SND-ID: 2024-172. Version: 1. DOI:

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Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Peter Andersson - Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy orcid

Alf Göök - Swedish Defence Research Agency orcid

Erik Andersson-Sundén - Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy orcid

Stefan Jarl Holm - Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy

Peter Jansson - Swedish Defence Research Agency orcid

Research principal

Uppsala University - Department of Physics and Astronomy, Applied Nuclear Physics rorId

Principal's reference number

FYS 2023/168


This dataset contains raw ROOT formatted timestamped list-mode data obtained using an array of HPGe detectors for the purpose of testing coincidence spectrometry, in the context of measurements on air filter samples. The data can be read with ROOT version 6.32.08.

In addition, the dataset contains the same data converted to CSV format. The conversion was made by an example C++ code that is also provided in the dataset. The C++ code can be compiled by a compiler adhering to the standard ISO/IEC 14882:2017 (i.e, ”C++17”).

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

2024-01 – 2024-02

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage
Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Applied Nuclear Physics

Other research principals


Catharina Söderström - Swedish Defence Research Agency

Funding 1

  • Funding agency: Swedish Research Council rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: 2023-05046_VR
  • Project name on the application: Coincidence Spectrometry for Radionuclide Monitoring (CoSpeR)
  • Funding information: This project aims to develop segmented germanium detectors for application in environmental radionuclide monitoring. Radionuclide monitoring using germanium detectors is an essential cornerstone in verification of the nuclear test ban (CTBT), signed by 186 states, and it has potential use in verification of other nuclear disarmament treaties.The coincidence technique, where two or more simultaneously emitted gamma rays are detected, has in recent years been demonstrated to allow for improved sensitivity for relevant radionuclides, such as Lanthanum-140, by use of dual detector systems.  Segmented detectors offer further advantages over dual detectors that include increased solid-angle coverage of the detector and lower probability of two cascade gammas hitting the same segment. Even for radionuclides with emission of a single gamma line, improvements can be expected by using coincidence methods, due to better ability to discriminate background from signal.This project includes developing a segmented germanium detector optimized for high sensitivity to key nuclides in nuclear test-ban verification. For this, an in-house developed simulation framework based on Geant4 will be used. If successful, this will lead to improved sensitivity in detection of releases of radioactivity to the atmosphere, and improved ability of their localization.

Funding 2

  • Funding agency: Swedish Defence Research Agency rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: FOI-2023-1004

Sort by name | Sort by year

Ivarsson Biebel E, Wallentin R.; “Calibration of Coincidence Gamma Spectrometry Detector GeCo”; Diploma thesis; (June 2024); URL:
URN: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-533142

E. Andersson-Sundén et al., GeCo: A gamma-ray spectroscopy system for evaluation of coincidence methods in radionuclide monitoring, AMC Annual Conference, 2024,
URN: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-539373


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Version 1. 2025-01-10

Version 1: 2025-01-10


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Published: 2025-01-10