Data from AUV Ran missions during Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP2202

SND-ID: 2024-143. Version: 2. DOI:

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Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Anna Wåhlin - University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences orcid

Anders Sjövall - Ocean Infinity, Ocean Infinity

Mark Symons - Ocean Infinity, Ocean Infinity

Li Ling - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Division of robotics, perception and learning orcid

Filip Stedt - University of Gothenburg, Department of marine sciences orcid

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Anna Wåhlin - University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences orcid

Anders Sjövall - Ocean Infinity, Ocean Infinity

Mark Symons - Ocean Infinity, Ocean Infinity

Li Ling - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Division of robotics, perception and learning orcid

Filip Stedt - University of Gothenburg, Department of marine sciences orcid

Clare Eayrs - Korea Polar Research Institute orcid

David Holland - New York University orcid

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Research principal

University of Gothenburg - Department of Marine Sciences, Marine Infrastructure rorId

Principal's reference number



Files CTD_NBP2202_***.txt
Post processed data from the SeaBird sensor packages.
Data fields:
Time (Matlab time) - Time (UTC) as serial date number in Matlab convention (where 01-Jan-1900 00:00:00 is 693962.0)
Pressure (dBar)
Absolute Salinity (g/kg) calculated according to
Conservative temperature (degrees) calculated according to
Dissolved Oxygen (ml/l)

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Files CTD_NBP2202_***.txt
Post processed data from the SeaBird sensor packages.
Data fields:
Time (Matlab time) - Time (UTC) as serial date number in Matlab convention (where 01-Jan-1900 00:00:00 is 693962.0)
Pressure (dBar)
Absolute Salinity (g/kg) calculated according to
Conservative temperature (degrees) calculated according to
Dissolved Oxygen (ml/l)
Meltwater Fraction (dimensionless), calculated according to Wåhlin et al, 2024

Dual packages consisting of one SBE19plus, one SBE43, and one pump (SBE5T) operating simultaneously. The packages had separated tubing systems but with inlets close to each other.

The following are the serial numbers of the sensors:
Port: SBE19plus, serial number: 19-7869, no SBE43 mounted
Starboard: SBE19plus, serial number: 19-7880 and SBE43, serial number: 0081
The SBE43 had the following calibration coefficients: Soc = 0.5418; Voffset = -0.4828; Tau = 1.14; A = -4.1263e-003; B = 1.3268e-004; C = -2.1621e-006; Enom = 0.036;

Post processing:
The following post processing was done to the raw data:
1) General check of data, removal of data while the vehicle was still in air. The pump for the port sensor had a bad cable. Since there was no growing offset we discarded all port data and only post processed the starboard data.
2) Spike removal using the following low pass filter:
[b,a] = butter(5,0.1,'low');
The following were the spike size limits: Temperature: 0.1; Salinity 0.01 and dissolved oxygen: 0.1.
3) Bin average to 1 Hz from the 4 Hz raw data
4) Offset adjustment based on the post-cruise calibrated ship CTD data ( These offsets were +0.026 mS/cm for conductivity, +0.0002 oC for temperature, and 0.22 ml/l for dissolved oxygen.

Files NBP2202_**_10m.txt
Ice draft (i.e. depth of the ice-ocean interface) as identified from the EM2040CX multibeam with serial number 2105. The instrument was mounted looking upwards, and operated at 300 kHz frequency. Data of quality higher than 13 was read into Eiva Navimodel Producer and gridded at 10 m grid. The data fields are:
latitude (decimal degrees),
longitude (decimal degrees)
ice draft (m)

Files NBP2202_**_2m.txt
Ice draft (i.e. depth of the ice-ocean interface) as identified from the EM2040CX multibeam with serial number 2105. The instrument was mounted looking upwards, and operated at 300 kHz frequency. Data of quality higher than 13 was read into Eiva Navimodel Producer and gridded at 2 m grid. The data fields are
latitude (decimal degrees)
longitude (decimal degrees)
ice draft (m)

Files NBP2202_**_1m.txt
Ice draft (i.e. depth of the ice-ocean interface) as identified from the EM2040CX multibeam with serial number 2105. The instrument was mounted looking upwards, and operated at 300 kHz frequency. Data of quality higher than 13 was read into Eiva Navimodel Producer and gridded at 1 m grid. The data fields are
latitude (decimal degrees)
longitude (decimal degrees)
ice draft (m)

File CTD_PostProcessed.txt
Temperature, salinity and depth from a SBE49 CTD cast through a hot-water borehole at 74° 22' 12.5328" S, 112° 32' 26.2782" W (74.370062 S, 112.540718 W). A Seabird SBE49 (SN 0219) FastCAT CTD profiler was mounted on a purpose-built deployment frame and attached to a winch cable with a mechanical termination and an electrical termination for live data collection. A downward and upward cast of temperature and salinity with pressure was made at 14:46 UTC on 7 Feb 2022, sampling at a rate of 16 Hz. Data collection took about an hour each way. The CTD spent a couple of minutes at the seabed (1226 dB, recorded by an RBRsolo), which introduced artifacts in the salinity observations during the upcast. The data were filtered, aligned in time, and averaged into 0.05 m vertical bins using the Seabird processing routines version No thermal mass corrections were applied. The data were calibrated with CTD data from the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer and CTD data from the AUV, and conductivity was shifted by +0.015 mS/cm. The manufacturer-stated accuracy of the temperature and conductivity sensors are ±0.002 °C and ±0.0003 S m−1, respectively.
Data fields:
pressure (dB)
Conservative temperature (deg)
Absolute salinity (g/kg)

File dotson_cast_downcast.cnv
Raw data of the drill site CTD
Data fields:
Pressure (dB)
Conductivity (mS/cm)
Temperature (in situ, oC)
Scan (count)
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Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

2022-01-15 – 2022-02-24



Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Antarctica

Geographic description: Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, including under Dotson Ice Shelf.

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Marine Sciences, Marine Infrastructure


Øyvind Hegrenæs - Kongsberg Underwater Technology, LLC

Johan Rolandsson - EcoWorks AB

Craig Wallace - Kongsberg Maritime AS

Funding 1

  • Funding agency: Swedish Research Council
  • Funding agency's reference number: 2021-00595_VR
  • Project name on the application: Developing methods for studies of Antarctic ice shelves with modern infrastructure

Funding 2

  • Funding agency: Natural Environment Research Council rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: NE/S006419/1, NE/S006664/1

Funding 3

  • Funding agency: National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: 1929991, 1738942
  • Project name on the application: NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment. NSF-NERC: THwaites Offshore Research (THOR)

Funding 4

  • Funding agency: Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, project: Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre (SMarC) rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: IRC15-0046
  • Project name on the application: Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre

Wåhlin, A., Alley, K.E., Begeman, C., Hegrenæs, Ø., Yuan, X., Graham, A.G.C., Hogan, K., Davis, P.E.D., Dotto, T. S., Eayrs, C., Hall, R.A., Holland, D., Kim, T.W., Larter, R.D., Ling, L., Muto, A., Pettit, E.C., Schmidt, B.E., Snow, T., Stedt, F., Washam, P. M., Wahlgren, S., Wild, C., Wellner, J., Zheng, Y., Heywood, K.J. Swirls and scoops: Ice-base melt revealed by multibeam imagery of an Antarctic ice shelf. Science Advances (accepted).


Version 2. 2024-09-16

Version 2: 2024-09-16


Data corrected: Corrected UTM zone for two missions plus included missing header in some files

Data corrected: Updated the file CTD_NBP2202_002_final.txt which previously was empty

Version 1. 2024-05-16

Version 1: 2024-05-16


Published: 2024-09-16