Påverkan av gruvdrift på sedimentegenskaper och toxicitet för akvatiska organismer i norra Sverige

SND-ID: 2023-27-1. Version: 1. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/a7yd-dy51


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Johan Lidman - Umeå university, Department of ecology and environmental science

Carolina Olid - University of Barcelona, Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics orcid

Christian Bigler - Umeå university, Department of ecology and environmental science orcid

Åsa Berglund - Umeå University, Department of ecology and environmental science orcid

Research principal

Umeå University - Department of Ecology and Environmental Science rorId


The data contain information on spatial and temporal variation in sediment properties and toxicity estimates of three lakes in close proximity to an abandoned Pb/Zn-mine. One sediment profile per lake was analyzed and the age of different sediment layers was estimated, to be able to correlate the results with known activities during the development of the mine.

Number of variables: 17
Number of rows (incl. header): 76

Variable List:
Site: Lake origin of the sediment core (Lake 1, Lake 2 or Lake 3)
Depth: Depth of the analyzed sediment layer (cm) for each core
Zn: Zinc concentration in the sediment layer (mg kg-1)
Pb: Lead concentration in the sediment layer (mg kg-1)

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The data contain information on spatial and temporal variation in sediment properties and toxicity estimates of three lakes in close proximity to an abandoned Pb/Zn-mine. One sediment profile per lake was analyzed and the age of different sediment layers was estimated, to be able to correlate the results with known activities during the development of the mine.

Number of variables: 17
Number of rows (incl. header): 76

Variable List:
Site: Lake origin of the sediment core (Lake 1, Lake 2 or Lake 3)
Depth: Depth of the analyzed sediment layer (cm) for each core
Zn: Zinc concentration in the sediment layer (mg kg-1)
Pb: Lead concentration in the sediment layer (mg kg-1)
Density: Density of the sediment layer (g cm-3)
LOI: Loss on ignition for each sediment layer (%)
TOC: Total organic carbon for each sediment layer (%)
PECQ: Predicted effect concentration quotient for each sediment layer
PECQ.norm: Predicted effect concentration quotient for each sediment layer, normalized to total organic carbon content
210Pb: 210Pb activity for each sediment layer (Bq kg-1), measured at 46.5keV
SD(210Pb): Standard deviation of 210Pb activity for each sediment layer (Bq kg-1), measured at 46.5keV
214Pb(295keV): 214Pb activity for each sediment layer (Bq kg-1), measured at 295keV
SD(295keV): Standard deviation of 214Pb activity for each sediment layer (Bq kg-1), measured at 295keV
214Pb(351 keV): 214Pb activity for each sediment layer (Bq kg-1), measured at 351keV
SD(351 keV): Standard deviation of 214Pb activity for each sediment layer (Bq kg-1), measured at 351keV
137Cs: 137Cs activity for each sediment layer (Bq kg-1), measured at 662keV
SD(137Cs): Standard deviation of 137Cs activity for each sediment layer (Bq kg-1)

Missing data codes: NA – not analyzed Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

2017-03-13 – 2018-04-24



Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Participant field observation
  • Description of the mode of collection: Collection of sediment profiles
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2017-03-13 – 2018-04-24
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden, Norrbotten County

Geographic description: The study was performed next to an abandoned Pb/Zn-mine in Laisvall, Norrbotten, Sweden.

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Ecology and Environmental Science


Christian Bigler - Umeå university, Department of ecology and environmental science orcid

Carolina Olid - University of Barcelona, Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics orcid

Johan Lidman - Umeå university, Department of ecology and environmental science


  • Funding agency: Göran Gustafsson Foundation
  • Funding agency's reference number: 1723
Topic and keywords

Research area

Environmental sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Geoscientific information (INSPIRE topic categories)


Lidman, J., Olid, C., Bigler, C., Berglund, Å.M.M. 2023. Effect of past century mining activities on sediment properties and toxicity to freshwater organisms in northern Sweden. Science of the total environment 162097.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162097


Version 1. 2023-02-17

Version 1: 2023-02-17

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/a7yd-dy51

Contact for questions about the data

Åsa Berglund


Published: 2023-02-17