Communities in infrastructure habitats are species-rich but only partly support species associated with semi-natural grasslands

SND-ID: 2023-23-1.

Associated documentation


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Juliana Dániel-Ferreira - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish Biodiversity Centre orcid

Yoan Fourcade - Univ Paris-Est Créteil, Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Institut d’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement, IEES orcid

Riccardo Bommarco - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Ecology orcid

Jörgen Wissman - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish Biodiversity Centre orcid

Erik Öckinger - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Ecology orcid

Research principal

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Department of Ecology rorId

Principal's reference number



This study makes part of the research project GINFRA – green rights-of-way infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The aim of the project was to quantify whether linear infrastructure habitats (road verges and power-line corridors) support biodiversity by assessing the influence of the area of these habitats in the landscape, their contribution to landscape connectivity and population persistence.

The linked data was collected by surveying butterflies, bumblebees, and vascular plants in five types of prevalent grasslands (pastures, road verges along small gravel roads, road verges along big paved roads, power line corridors, and field borders). These grasslands were embedded in 32 landscapes with area 4 km² each, that differed in the area of linear infrastructure habitats (road verges and power line corridors) and semi-natural grasslands of high nature value, while other land-use types were kept constant. The landscapes were dominated by forest.
Within each grassland habitat, the surveyor established a 200 m transect and then identified all butterflies and bumblebees along it

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This study makes part of the research project GINFRA – green rights-of-way infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The aim of the project was to quantify whether linear infrastructure habitats (road verges and power-line corridors) support biodiversity by assessing the influence of the area of these habitats in the landscape, their contribution to landscape connectivity and population persistence.

The linked data was collected by surveying butterflies, bumblebees, and vascular plants in five types of prevalent grasslands (pastures, road verges along small gravel roads, road verges along big paved roads, power line corridors, and field borders). These grasslands were embedded in 32 landscapes with area 4 km² each, that differed in the area of linear infrastructure habitats (road verges and power line corridors) and semi-natural grasslands of high nature value, while other land-use types were kept constant. The landscapes were dominated by forest.
Within each grassland habitat, the surveyor established a 200 m transect and then identified all butterflies and bumblebees along it. For plants, a 1 x 1 m quadrat was established at the centre of a 50 m section in each transect, i.e. each transect had four plots in which all plant species were identified.

Denna studie är en del av projektet GINFRA – green rights-of-way infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Projektets huvudsyfte var att kvantifiera om linjära infrastrukturmiljöer (vägkanter och kraftledningsgator) bidrar till mångfalden av växter och insekter i olika rumsliga skalor. Detta gjordes genom att uppskatta hur linjära infrastrukturmiljöers mängd i landskapet bidrar till mångfalden samt hur mycket de bidrar till landskapets konnektivitet.
Datan samlades genom att inventera dagfjärilar, humlor, och växter i fem typer av gräsmarker (betesmarker, vägrenar längs enskilda vägar, vägrenar längs allmänna vägar, kraftledningsgator, och åkerkanter). Alla dessa habitat typer fanns inom 32 landskap med area 4 km2 som skilde sig i areal av linjära infrastrukturmiljöer (vägrenar och kraftledningsgator) och ängs-och betesmarker. Arealen av andra markanvändningar var konstanta mellan landskap och alla landskap var skogsdominerade. Show less..

Data contains personal data


Type of personal data

Coordinates that may select private property


Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

2016-06-01 – 2016-08-23

Data format / data structure

Species and taxons

Taraxacum sect. taraxacum
Hieracium sect. hieracium
Hieracium sect. vulgata
Euphrasia stricta
Aricia artaxerxes artaxerxes
Trifolium pratense
Viola canina
Glaucopsyche alexis
Festuca rubra
Rosa vosagiaca
Briza media
Tragopogon pratensis
Alopecurus pratensis
Betula pendula
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Festuca ovina
Juncus articulatus
Bombus pratorum
Schedonorus pratensis
Rumex crispus
Bombus lucorum
Cirsium palustre
Achillea ptarmica
Lotus corniculatus
Poa pratensis
Vicia sepium
Trifolium hybridum
Carex nigra
Poa nemoralis
Juniperus communis
Potentilla argentea
Epilobium montanum
Prunella vulgaris
Campanula persicifolia
Hylotelephium telephium
Taraxacum sect. erythrosperma
Agrostis capillaris
Scorzoneroides autumnalis
Bombus pascuorum
Calluna vulgaris
Potentilla erecta
Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Juncus effusus
Daucus carota
Geum rivale
Pilosella officinarum
Geum urbanum
Bombus rupestris
Helianthemum nummularium
Alchemilla monticola
Polyommatus icarus
Luzula campestris
Rubus idaeus × norvegicus
Juncus compressus
Geranium sylvaticum
Stellaria media
Rubus saxatilis
Coenonympha pamphilus pamphilus
Cirsium arvense
Urtica dioica
Melitaea athalia
Filipendula ulmaria
Hypericum maculatum
Bombus bohemicus
Convallaria majalis
Rumex acetosella
Potentilla verna
Boloria selene selene
Alnus glutinosa
Trifolium repens
Dianthus deltoides
Rumex acetosa
Euphrasia nemorosa
Argentina anserina
Oxalis acetosella
Stellaria graminea
Rhinanthus minor
Bombus terrestris
Ranunculus acris
Agrostis stolonifera
Galium verum
Veronica officinalis
Avenella flexuosa
Chamaenerion angustifolium
Bombus lapidarius
Plantago major
Zygaena lonicerae
Solidago virgaurea
Myosotis laxa
Brenthis ino ino
Erebia ligea ligea
Fragaria viridis
Vaccinium myrtillus
Tanacetum vulgare
Cerastium fontanum
Phleum pratense
Plantago lanceolata
Boloria euphrosyne euphrosyne
Achillea millefolium
Agrostis gigantea
Trifolium medium
Deschampsia cespitosa
Hypochaeris maculata
Trifolium arvense
Lycaena phlaeas
Myosotis arvensis
Plebejus idas
Bombus sylvarum
Campanula rotundifolia
Zygaena filipendulae
Primula veris
Silene nutans
Carum carvi
Vicia cracca
Carex hirta
Potentilla reptans
Quercus robur
Hesperia comma
Veronica chamaedrys
Lycaena hippothoe
Pimpinella major
Saxifraga granulata
Fragaria vesca
Agrimonia eupatoria
Polygala vulgaris
Dactylis glomerata
Acer platanoides
Carex panicea
Galium boreale
Vanessa cardui
Juncus conglomeratus
Lathyrus pratensis
Bombus muscorum
Bombus hortorum
Centaurea jacea × psephellus dealbatus
Pimpinella saxifraga
Bombus ruderarius
Veronica arvensis
Bombus sylvestris
Lathyrus linifolius
Knautia arvensis
Gnaphalium sylvaticum
Pieris napi
Succisa pratensis
Plantago media
Sedum acre
Carex pallescens
Zygaena viciae
Anthriscus sylvestris
Glechoma hederacea
Bombus hypnorum
Sedum album
Danthonia decumbens
Hypericum perforatum
Bombus humilis
Polygonia c-album
Bombus jonellus
Bombus soroeensis
Alchemilla glaucescens
Carex leporina
Poa annua
Bombus distinguendus
Bombus subterraneus
Bombus campestris
Polygala amarella
Polyommatus amandus
Filipendula vulgaris
Leucanthemum vulgare
Alchemilla glabra
Cupido minimus (füssly, 1775)
Cyaniris semiargus (rottemburg, 1775)
Issoria lathonia linnaeus, 1758
Anthocharis cardamines (linnaeus, 1758)
Taraxacum erythrospermum andrz. ex besser
Leptidea sinapis (linnaeus, 1758)
Maniola jurtina linnaeus, 1758
Pieris rapae (linnaeus, 1758)
Plebejus argus (linnaeus, 1758)
Thecla betulae (linnaeus, 1758)
Aglais urticae linnaeus, 1758
Elymus repens (l.) gould
Gonepteryx rhamni (linnaeus, 1758)
Limenitis populi linnaeus, 1758
Vanessa atalanta linnaeus, 1758
Aphantopus hyperantus linnaeus, 1761
Callophrys rubi (linnaeus, 1758)
Erynnis tages linnaeus, 1758
Nymphalis antiopa linnaeus, 1758
Pieris brassicae (linnaeus, 1758)
Coenonympha arcania linnaeus, 1761
Carterocephalus silvicola meigen, 1829
Pararge aegeria linnaeus, 1758
Thymelicus lineola ochsenheimer, 1808
Celastrina argiolus (linnaeus, 1758)

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Field observation
  • Description of the mode of collection: All day-flying butterfly individuals (including members of the Zygaenidae family) and bumblebees were counted and identified to species level within several transects of 200 m length. The transects were placed in five types of grassland habitat: pastures, road verges along small and big roads, powerline corridors, and field borders. The person collecting the data walked slowly along the transect and counted allday-flying butterflies within a 5 m square (2.5 m to each side and 5 m in front of the observer). In contrast, the bumblebees were counted 1 m to each side and 1 m in front of the observer. For the plant inventory, four quadratic sampling plots were placed along the same transects (one plot for each 50 m segment). The occurrence of all vascular plant species within the plots was recorded based on a predefined list of 169 species.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2016-06-01 – 2016-08-24
  • Instrument: Butterfly net - Bag made of fabric sewn along a round frame and a handle/grip.
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Stockholm County, Uppsala County, Södermanland County, Västmanland County

Geographic description: The data was collected in 32 landscapes with area 4 km² each in the counties of Stockholm, Uppsala, Västmanland och Södermanland.

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Ecology

Funding 1

  • Funding agency: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS) rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: 942-2015-988

Funding 2

  • Funding agency: The Oscar and Lili Lamm Memorial Foundation rorId
Topic and keywords

Research area

Biological sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Ecology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Dániel-Ferreira, J., Fourcade, Y., Bommarco, R., Wissman, J., & Öckinger, E. (2023). Communities in infrastructure habitats are species rich but only partly support species associated with semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(5), 837-848.

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