Infrasound recordings from an array of microbarometers onboard three stratospheric balloons launched from Esrange Space Center, Kiruna, Sweden, on August 20, 2020

SND-ID: 2021-257-1. Version: 1. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Johan Kero - Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Solar Terrestrial and Atmospheric Research orcid

Daniel Bowman - Sandia National Laboratories, USA orcid

Eli Bird - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA orcid

Jonathan Lees - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA orcid

Research principal

Swedish Institute of Space Physics - Solar Terrestrial and Atmospheric Research rorId

Principal's reference number



Three balloons (B1-B3) were launched from ESRANGE Space Center (67.89 N, 21.08 E) on August 20, 2020. The balloons were designed to carry two payload boxes, separated by a 100 meter tether. Each payload box contained a DiGOS DATA-CUBE, recording three InfraBSU infrasound microbarometers at 400 Hz. One microbarometer recorded true polarity of acoustic signals, another recorded reversed polarity, and flow filters covered both ports on the final microphone, preventing acoustic waves from registering on the device. This data set contains a combination of data from the first and second microphones. In subtracting the polarity-reversed data from the true-polarity data, we expect acoustic signals to remain intact and non acoustic noise sources (e. g. electromagnetic interference, vibration) to be removed from the data.

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

2020-08-20 – 2020-08-20

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Kiruna Municipality

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Solar Terrestrial and Atmospheric Research


  • Funding agency: Swedish National Space Agency rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: 42/17
  • Project name on the application: BOOSTER - BallOOn for Science and Technology from EsRange
Topic and keywords

Research area

Geophysics (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Meteorology and atmospheric sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Geoscientific information (INSPIRE topic categories)

Climatology / meteorology / atmosphere (INSPIRE topic categories)



Published: 2022-03-14