Survey data from a survey about cybersecurity training and usability of security functions

SND-ID: 2021-198-1. Version: 1. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Joakim Kävrestad - University of Skövde orcid

Research principal

University of Skövde - School of informatics rorId


This data set was acquired using a survey which intends to measure:
• Participants previous experience of cybersecurity training
• Participants perception of ideal cybersecurity training
• Participants perception of a specific cybersecurity training type called ContextBased MicroTraining
• What usability aspects the participants find most important for security features
Data was acquired from Sweden, UK and Italy to allow for comparative analysis. Demographic data was collected to allow for further analysis based on those. The files included in this data set are:
• Completesurvey: This document includes the full survey presented to the participants.
• Dataset: This file contains the variables and data for the different questions (available as .sav (SPSS and .csv)).
• Var_info: contains information about the variables in the dataset
• Overview: Contains frequency tables for the survey question (for the complete data set)

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This data set was acquired using a survey which intends to measure:
• Participants previous experience of cybersecurity training
• Participants perception of ideal cybersecurity training
• Participants perception of a specific cybersecurity training type called ContextBased MicroTraining
• What usability aspects the participants find most important for security features
Data was acquired from Sweden, UK and Italy to allow for comparative analysis. Demographic data was collected to allow for further analysis based on those. The files included in this data set are:
• Completesurvey: This document includes the full survey presented to the participants.
• Dataset: This file contains the variables and data for the different questions (available as .sav (SPSS and .csv)).
• Var_info: contains information about the variables in the dataset
• Overview: Contains frequency tables for the survey question (for the complete data set)
• Sweden, UK, and Italy: Contains frequency tables for the survey questions divided by national sample groups.

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Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Sampling procedure

Probability: Stratified
With the purpose of collecting quantitative data from a large sample of respondents, a web-based survey was used. The survey panel company Webropol was hired for the distribution of the survey which restricted the range of possible participants to the members of Webropols panel.
A stratified sampling approach was used to generate a probability sample within the web panel. The panel members were split into strata based on gender, age, and geographical region. Equal proportions from each strata were then recruited using simple random sampling.
The primary target of the survey was Swedish users, and the target sample size for Swedes was set to 800 respondents. Samples with a target size of 300 respondents were drawn from UK and Italy.



Response rate/participation rate

collection using a webpanel and pre-decided number of respondents

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden, Italy, United Kingdom

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

School of informatics


  • Funding agency: Vinnova
Topic and keywords

Research area

Computer science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Information systems (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Information society (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Published: 2021-06-29