Romperod, diameter growth in uneven-sized spruce stand
SND-ID: 2020-52-1. Version: 1. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Nils Fagerberg
- Linnaeus University, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology
Research principal
Linnaeus University
- Department of Forestry and Wood Technology
The Excel file [Romperöd uniform data copy of version 3.xlsx] contains all data from all revisions between 1989 and 2015. This data is without coordinates of the tree positions. The data file contains information that links the tree identities between the two data files.
The Excel file [Romperöd level 1b copy.xlsx] contains data from an extended revision of the thinned plot where the trees were also coordinate set. 74 of the trees have extended information on annual growth ring, root incidence, crown shape and height.
Data contains personal data
Time period(s) investigated
1989-05-11 – 2016-11-28
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden, Skåne County, Östra Göinge Municipality, Glimåkra Parish
Geographic description: Romperöd, 3 km north of Glimåkra.
Responsible department/unit
Department of Forestry and Wood Technology
David Göransson - Owner of the forest estate
Research area
Forest science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Olsson J-O, Fagerberg N (2019) En avståndsberoende tillväxtmodell på trädnivå för gran:-en preliminär modell baserad på två skiktade bestånd i Götaland. Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, Linnaeus University
Fagerberg, N., Lohmander, P., Eriksson, O., Olsson, J.-O., Poudel, B. C. & Bergh, J. 2022. Evaluation of individual-tree growth models for Picea abies based on a case study of an uneven-sized stand in southern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 37:1, 45-58, DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2022.2037700.