Next of kin participation in the care of older people in nursing homes – a pre-post non-randomised educational evaluation, using within group and individual person-level comparisons
SND-ID: 2020-180-1. Version: 1. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Albert Westergren
- Kristianstad University, Faculty of health sciences
Research principal
Kristianstad University
- Faculty of health sciences
An instrument, Next of Kin Participation in Care (NoK-PiC) with two subscales: Communication and Trust (CaT); and Collaboration in Care (CiC), are compared within groups (control and intervention groups) before and after an educational intervention. Comparisons can be done using raw scores as well as linearized scores. Individual person level significance is given.
The project implemented an educational intervention across 30 nursing homes. The intervention consisted of five 2-hour seminars addressing the knowledge and skills considered necessary to provide evidence-based palliative care in nursing homes. The content was based on fundamental principles of palliative care. The topics covered by each seminar were: 1) the palliative approach and dignified care; 2) NoK; 3) existence and dying; 4) symptom relief and 5) collaborative care.
SPSS data file with age, gender, control/intervention group, raw scores for the total scale (NoK-PiC) and for subscales (CaT and CiC) before and after an educational intervention. Linearized scores with standard errors, and individual person-level significance i
The project implemented an educational intervention across 30 nursing homes. The intervention consisted of five 2-hour seminars addressing the knowledge and skills considered necessary to provide evidence-based palliative care in nursing homes. The content was based on fundamental principles of palliative care. The topics covered by each seminar were: 1) the palliative approach and dignified care; 2) NoK; 3) existence and dying; 4) symptom relief and 5) collaborative care.
SPSS data file with age, gender, control/intervention group, raw scores for the total scale (NoK-PiC) and for subscales (CaT and CiC) before and after an educational intervention. Linearized scores with standard errors, and individual person-level significance is also given.
Empty cells means that the questions are not answered Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Next of kin of older people in nursing homes.
Study design
Observational study
Description of study design
A pre-post non-randomised control and intervention group evaluation
Sampling procedure
Number of individuals/objects
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Scania Province
Responsible department/unit
Faculty of health sciences
Ethics Review
Lund - Ref. 2015/69
Research area
Probability theory and statistics (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Ahlstrom, G., Nilsen, P., Benzein, E., Behm, L., Wallerstedt, B., Persson, M., & Sandgren, A. (2018). Implementation of knowledge-based palliative care in nursing homes and pre-post post evaluation by cross-over design: a study protocol. BMC Palliative Care, 17, Article 52.
Westergren, A., Behm, L., Lindhardt, T., Persson, M., & Ahlström, G. (2020). Measuring next of kin’s experience of participation in the care of older people in nursing homes. PLoS ONE, 15(1).