The SND research data catalogue in real time

The graph shows how the SND research data catalogue has developed since SND was founded in 1980. The figures are updated in real time.

Using data via SND

When you use data that have been made accessible through SND, please remember:

1. All publications, regardless of type, that are in any way based on data should have a reference to these data. The reference (or citation) shall contain a persistent identifier (e.g. a DOI), and a reference to the creator/principal investigator. This applies regardless of publication format. Please report all publications to SND:

2. You may only use data material for the specific purpose that you entered in your data request or during the request assessment process, if access to data is restricted.

3. You should always comply with current principles for ethics in research. SND refers to the “Good Research Practice” (2017) report from the Swedish Research Council.

4. Neither SND nor the research principal for the data have any responsibility for how the data and related documentation are used, nor for any interpretations of or conclusions based on them.