GIS-material for the archaeological project: A long-standing settlement in Veta - Excavation preceding planned building plots in the western outskirts of Mantorp
SND-ID: snd2068-1. Version: 1.1. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Swedish National Heritage Board, UV Öst
Research principal
The information in the abstract is translated from the archaeological report:
Due to planned construction of a new residential area, the Swedish National Heritage Board's contract archaeology division, UV Öst, performed a final excavation within the property Veta 5:5, Veta parish, Mantorp, Mjölby municipality, Östergötland County. A survey and preliminary investigation were conducted in 2004, discovering extensive settlement remains. The development area was approximately 50 000 m2 big, and the final excavation in 2005 covered about 8700 m2 of it. Three settlement areas were excavated. Within area A, a longhouse from the late Roman Iron Age was found, as well as areas with hearths and pits. The house was unusually complete, compared to the houses normally found in Östergötland. Both the roof-supporting post holes and the post holes of the walls had been preserved. Within area B at least four houses were found; a longhouse and at least two more diffuse buildings from the the Roman Iron Age, and a neolithic longhouse. Nearby this house, just beside the ancient stream bed that crosses the area, 2
Due to planned construction of a new residential area, the Swedish National Heritage Board's contract archaeology division, UV Öst, performed a final excavation within the property Veta 5:5, Veta parish, Mantorp, Mjölby municipality, Östergötland County. A survey and preliminary investigation were conducted in 2004, discovering extensive settlement remains. The development area was approximately 50 000 m2 big, and the final excavation in 2005 covered about 8700 m2 of it. Three settlement areas were excavated. Within area A, a longhouse from the late Roman Iron Age was found, as well as areas with hearths and pits. The house was unusually complete, compared to the houses normally found in Östergötland. Both the roof-supporting post holes and the post holes of the walls had been preserved. Within area B at least four houses were found; a longhouse and at least two more diffuse buildings from the the Roman Iron Age, and a neolithic longhouse. Nearby this house, just beside the ancient stream bed that crosses the area, 2 kg of bell-beaker pottery ornamented with lines along the body was discovered. It is the largest collection of this kind of pottery found in Östergötland county. Furthermore, a great number of other features were found within area B, such as post holes, hearths, pits, wall trenches, a large packing of fire-cracked stones and two wells. The stone packing was dated to the early Bronze Age while most of the other settlement remains were dated from the centuries around 0 AD to c. 400 AD. The area also contained ancient and very thick agricultural layers, extending down to the stream. The farming in Veta probably started already in the Stone Age and continued into the Roman Iron Age.
The information in the purpose is translated from the archaeological report:
The purpose of the final excavation was to document the archaeological site RAÄ 45 before its removal, in such a way that the information could be studied by archaeologists and laymen alike in the future. The purpose was also to take care of all representative and relevant artefacts found.
The ZIP file consist of GIS files and an Access database with information about the excavations, findings and other metadata about the archaeological survey. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Time period(s) investigated
Data format / data structure
Type of archaeological remains
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden, Mjölby Municipality, Veta Parish
Geographic description: Östergötland, Veta, Veta 5:5
Lowest geographic unit
Intrasisprojekt: AO2004135
Länsstyrelsens dnr för projektet: 431-17358-04
Producents dnr för projektet: 423-4074-2004
ProjektID: p505015
Research area
History (CESSDA Topic Classification)
History and archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)