GIS-material for the archaeological project: Settlement remains at Nybygget - Offerby and others
SND-ID: snd2063-1. Version: 1.1. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Swedish National Heritage Board, UV Öst
Research principal
The information in the abstract is translated from the arcaheological report:
Due to reconstruction of the electric main system in the Offerby-Ervasteby area, Motala municipality, the Swedish National Heritage Board's contract archaeology division, UV Öst, has performed a preliminary investigation, since the trenching was conducted nearby a known archaeological site and possible settlement sites. Four areas (objects) were selected for the antiquarian inspection. In two of them trial trenches were excavated. The other two were affected to such a small extent that no archaeological measures needed to be taken. Within Object II (site RAÄ 176:1, Motala parish) settlement remains were discovered, probably from a later chronological phase than the Stone Age remains of RAÄ 176. The remains were excavated. No archaeological remains were found within Object IV.
The information in the abstract is translated from the archaeological report:
The purpose of the preliminary investigation was to determine whether any archaeological remains could be affected by the planned earthworks and, if so, to
Due to reconstruction of the electric main system in the Offerby-Ervasteby area, Motala municipality, the Swedish National Heritage Board's contract archaeology division, UV Öst, has performed a preliminary investigation, since the trenching was conducted nearby a known archaeological site and possible settlement sites. Four areas (objects) were selected for the antiquarian inspection. In two of them trial trenches were excavated. The other two were affected to such a small extent that no archaeological measures needed to be taken. Within Object II (site RAÄ 176:1, Motala parish) settlement remains were discovered, probably from a later chronological phase than the Stone Age remains of RAÄ 176. The remains were excavated. No archaeological remains were found within Object IV.
The information in the abstract is translated from the archaeological report:
The purpose of the preliminary investigation was to determine whether any archaeological remains could be affected by the planned earthworks and, if so, to avoid them if possible. If alternative locations for the trenching could not be found, the remains were to be excavated.
The ZIP file consist of GIS files and an Access database with information about the excavations, findings and other metadata about the archaeological survey. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Time period(s) investigated
Data format / data structure
Type of archaeological remains
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden, Motala Municipality, Motala Parish
Geographic description: Östergötland, Motala parish, Offerby and others
Lowest geographic unit
Intrasisprojekt: AO2004129
Länsstyrelsens dnr för projektet: 431-16791-04
Producents dnr för projektet: 421-4023-2004
ProjektID: p505010
Research area
History (CESSDA Topic Classification)
History and archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)