GIS-material for the archaeological project: Burial and settlement area in Hästholmen
SND-ID: snd2027-1. Version: 1.1. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Östergötland County Museum, Archaeology department
Research principal
Uppsala University
- Archaeology department
The information in the abstract is translated from the archaeological report:
By request of Ödeshög municipality, the County Museum of Östergötland performed a field evaluation of the property Hästholmen 7:1, during August and September 2009. The evaluation took place within the burial and settlement area RAÄ 236. Approx. 270 features were discovered, consisting of graves, cultural layers and settlement features, of which five cremation graves, one inhumation grave and approx. 70 settlement features were excavated. Finds of pottery and iron and stone objects and were collected. There are two chronological phases, with the settlement remains dating to the Early bronze Age, and the graves dating to the Early Iron Age and the transition between the Pre-Roman and the Roman Iron Age.
The information in the purpose is translated from the archaeological report:
The purpose of the field evaluation was to describe the character, dating and extent of the archaeological remains, and to investigate the connection to other known ancient monuments in the vicinity. The result will be used as a bas
By request of Ödeshög municipality, the County Museum of Östergötland performed a field evaluation of the property Hästholmen 7:1, during August and September 2009. The evaluation took place within the burial and settlement area RAÄ 236. Approx. 270 features were discovered, consisting of graves, cultural layers and settlement features, of which five cremation graves, one inhumation grave and approx. 70 settlement features were excavated. Finds of pottery and iron and stone objects and were collected. There are two chronological phases, with the settlement remains dating to the Early bronze Age, and the graves dating to the Early Iron Age and the transition between the Pre-Roman and the Roman Iron Age.
The information in the purpose is translated from the archaeological report:
The purpose of the field evaluation was to describe the character, dating and extent of the archaeological remains, and to investigate the connection to other known ancient monuments in the vicinity. The result will be used as a basis for future decisions regarding the remnants by the County Administrative Board, and serve as guidance for the developer's planning.
The ZIP file consist of GIS files and an Access database with information about the excavations, findings and other metadata about the archaeological survey. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Time period(s) investigated
Data format / data structure
Type of archaeological remains
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden, Ödeshög Municipality, Västra Tollstad Parish
Geographic description: Östergötland, Västra Tollstad, Hästholmen 7:1
Lowest geographic unit
Responsible department/unit
Archaeology department
Intrasisprojekt: OLM2009007
Länsstyrelsens dnr för projektet: 431-4414-09
Producents dnr för projektet: 180/09
ProjektID: p509013
Research area
History (CESSDA Topic Classification)
History and archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)