Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days may affect CSF biomarker levels - Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days without sleep intervention

SND-ID: snd1132-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:

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Version 2: 2024-08-08


Data merged: Data from: " Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days may affect CSF biomarker levels - Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days without sleep intervention" (version 1.0, DOI 10.5878/tpbk-k885); " Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days may affect CSF biomarker levels - Repeated lumbar punctures. After sleep deprivation and 3 days later, after recovery sleep" (version 1.0, DOI 10.5878/cavp-eh78).


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Martin Olsson - University of Gothenburg orcid

Johan Ärlig - University of Gothenburg

Jan Hedner - University of Gothenburg, the Institute of Medicine

Kaj Blennow - University of Gothenburg, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology

Henrik Zetterberg - University of Gothenburg, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology

Research principal

University of Gothenburg - Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology rorId


As an extension of a study on the relationship between sleep deprivation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease, we performed two Lumbar punctures (LPs) within three days in 13 healthy volunteers. Our aim was to investigate CSF biomarker dynamics in relation to sleep deprivation. An unexpected sharp rise in biomarker concentrations in the second sample made us consider an artifact and we therefore repeated the experiment, but without sleep restriction, in four additional individuals. A similar rise in biomarker levels were evident, suggesting an inherent methodological problem with repeated LPs.

Participants with controled normal sleep. Biomarker concentrations from each individual lumbar puncture.


Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Healthy volunteers

Study design


Description of study design

Randomized crossover

Sampling procedure

13 healthy volunteers recruited by posters on university campus. 20-40 years of age with no sleep disturbances. Body-Mass-index (BMI) < 30 kg/m2. No continual use of medication or relevant chronic diseases. Self-reported normal bedtime < 00.00, regular morning awakening hours 06.00-09.00, habitual sleep duration of between 6.5-8.5 hours and absence of sleep disturbances (such as chronic insomnia/daytime sleepiness/narcolepsy). Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) score < 11.

Time period(s) investigated

2015-02-01 – 2016-02-29

Biobank is connected to the study




Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage
Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology

Ethics Review

Gothenburg - Ref. 823-14

Topic and keywords

Research area

Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Olsson M, Arlig J, Hedner J, Blennow K, Zetterberg H. Sleep deprivation and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease. Sleep. 2018;41(5).
Link to article

Olsson, M., Ärlig, J., Hedner, J. et al. Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days may affect CSF biomarker levels. Fluids Barriers CNS 16, 37 (2019) doi:10.1186/s12987-019-0157-2
Link to article


Version 2. 2024-08-08

Version 2: 2024-08-08


Data merged: Data from: " Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days may affect CSF biomarker levels - Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days without sleep intervention" (version 1.0, DOI 10.5878/tpbk-k885); " Repeated lumbar punctures within 3 days may affect CSF biomarker levels - Repeated lumbar punctures. After sleep deprivation and 3 days later, after recovery sleep" (version 1.0, DOI 10.5878/cavp-eh78).

Version 1.0. 2019-11-29

Version 1.0: 2019-11-29


Published: 2019-11-29
Last updated: 2019-12-16