The effects of exercise training on HPA-axis reactivity and autonomic response to acute stress – a randomized controlled study

SND-ID: snd1113-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Elin Arvidson - Region Västra Götaland, Institutet för stressmedicin

Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir - Region Västra Götaland, Institutet för stressmedicin

Research principal

Region Västra Götaland - Institutet för stressmedicin rorId

Principal's reference number



The aim of the present trial was to study the effects of a six-month aerobic exercise intervention on the physiological response to acute laboratory stress. A two-armed RCT including untrained but healthy individuals aged 20-50 years was conducted. Assessments included a peak oxygen uptake test and a psychosocial stress test (the Trier Social Stress Test). A total of 88 participants went through both baseline and follow-up measures (48 in the intervention group and 40 in the control group) with an even distribution of women and men (20/28 in the intervention group and 18/22 in the control group, respectively). Outcome measures were adrenocorticotrophic hormone, cortisol, systolic- and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate responses to acute psychosocial stress.

Outcome measures: adrenocorticotrophic hormone, cortisol, systolic- and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate responses to acute psychosocial stress.


Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Age 20-50 years; essentially healthy (not suffering from any known somatic or psychiatric disease such as diabetes, heart disease or stress-related diseases) and working or studying at least 50 % of full time, no regular exercise during the last year and rate themselfes as mostly sedentary

Study design

Experimental study

Description of study design

Randomized controlled trial

Sampling procedure

Time period(s) investigated

2013 – 2016



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2013 – 2016
Geographic coverage
Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Institutet för stressmedicin


  • Funding agency: Swedish Research Council for Heath, Workning Life and Walfare

Ethics Review

Gothenburg - Ref. 917-12

Topic and keywords

Research area

Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Arvidson, E. (2019). Physiological responses to acute physical and psychosocial stress - relation to aerobic capacity and exercise training. Doctoral dissertation. Department of Food and Nutrition, and Sport Science. University of Gothenburg.

Published: 2019-06-12
Last updated: 2019-12-17