Matrix Metalloproteinases in COPD and atherosclerosis with emphasis on the effects of smoking
SND-ID: snd1084-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Morten Kraen - Lund University and Region Skåne
Research principal
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Ethics Review
Lund - Ref. 786-03 med komplettering för biomarköranalys 2015-03-11
Research area
Clinical medicine (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Matrix Metalloproteinases in COPD and atherosclerosis with emphasis on the effects of smoking
M. Kraen, S. Frantz, U. Nihlén, G. Engström, C. G. Löfdahl, P. Wollmer & M. Dencker, 2019 Feb 21, In : PLoS ONE. 14, 2, e0211987.
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