The Scandinavian encyclopedia
SND-ID: snd1000-1.
Version: 1.0.
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Maria Simonsen
- Lund University
The database has been developed in order to compare the various printed editions of Nordisk familjebok and Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon to other Scandinavian encyclopedias published in the same period. The information about the various encyclopedias are collected through searches in (Det Kongelige Bibliotek) og (Kungliga Biblioteket), and the Danish seach tool and Lovisa and KAT57 - the seach tools of Lund University Library. The database includes extensive bibliographic information about the publishers, editors and printers, and also information about the format of the encyclopedias and their page layout are included. In order to integrate all the information in the database, I have studied the first volume, volume 1 of each encyclopedia.
On the basis of a bibliographic investigation, the purpose is to map the publishing of encyclopedias in Sweden and Denmark in the period 1870-1970.
Time period(s) for data collection:
1870 – 1970
Maria Simonsen, Den skandinaviske Encyklopædi, Makadam 2016 (Doktorsavhandling)