Landsjö 2015 - Images and finds list
SND-ID: snd0999-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
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Excavations in 2015 at Landsjö Castle in Kimstad Parish, Östergötland, Sweden.
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Martin Rundkvist - Umeå University, Department of historical, philosophical and religious Studies
Umeå University
Research principal
Archaeological investigations conducted during July 2015 in Landsjö, Kimstad Parish, Östergötland demonstrated that the steep outer bailey at Landsjö has never been a defensible structure, but was either never finished or never intended to offer anything more than an imposing facade to the west.
The investigations also revealed rich artefact finds within the castle bailey's perimeter. Trenches were opened within two buildings abutting the western wall, and a sandy mount across the dry moat south of the castle was also investigated. The latter seems to be composed entirely of spoil from the digging of the moat, and yielded knapped quartz and two sherds of prehistoric pottery.
The probable home of an 18th century smallholding was also discovered. Four trenches on the castle islet also revealed 25 medieval potsherds, with a majority of Early Red glazed ware Sw. äldre rödgods, dating to the period c. 1250-1350. The few sherds of other wares also fit nicely in this interval. The pottery’s dates agree both with the written sources for Landsjö and with the dates of the six coins found during the e
The investigations also revealed rich artefact finds within the castle bailey's perimeter. Trenches were opened within two buildings abutting the western wall, and a sandy mount across the dry moat south of the castle was also investigated. The latter seems to be composed entirely of spoil from the digging of the moat, and yielded knapped quartz and two sherds of prehistoric pottery.
The probable home of an 18th century smallholding was also discovered. Four trenches on the castle islet also revealed 25 medieval potsherds, with a majority of Early Red glazed ware Sw. äldre rödgods, dating to the period c. 1250-1350. The few sherds of other wares also fit nicely in this interval. The pottery’s dates agree both with the written sources for Landsjö and with the dates of the six coins found during the excavations.
The dissemination folder includes 258 images of the archaeological investigation, a csv file documenting these images, and an excavation report in pdf format. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Type of personal data
Images of people who participated in the fieldwork. The intrusion on privacy is considered low.
Time period(s) investigated
Data format / data structure
Type of archaeological remains
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Kimstad Parish
Lowest geographic unit
Highest geographic unit
Research area
History (CESSDA Topic Classification)
History and archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Middle neolithic, Middle ages, Neolithic, 18th century, Ceramics