Domed oblong brooches of Vendel Period Scandinavia

SND-ID: snd0985-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Martin Rundkvist


The study's aim was to investigate oblong brooches of Vendel Period Scandinavia, i.e. Ørsnes types N & O and similar brooches, including transitional types surviving into the Early Viking Period. A database of 593 brooches from all of Scandinavia was studied and interpreted by typology, chronology, function, social significance, technological characteristics, production sites, interregional variation and ideological connotations. Unique brooches are described and discussed. Brooches from Uppåkra are also described and discussed, against the background of the new results. The study then puts forward two new seriation chronologies for Vendel Period female graves on Bornholm and in Sweden.


The aim of the study is to offer new perspectives on domed oblong brooches of Vendel period Scandinavia and transitional types which survived into the earliest Viking period. The new perspectives are based on a larger and more recent material base and a widened geographic scope, covering all of Scandinavia.

The dataset consists of a table with information on domed oblong brooches from Vendel period

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The study's aim was to investigate oblong brooches of Vendel Period Scandinavia, i.e. Ørsnes types N & O and similar brooches, including transitional types surviving into the Early Viking Period. A database of 593 brooches from all of Scandinavia was studied and interpreted by typology, chronology, function, social significance, technological characteristics, production sites, interregional variation and ideological connotations. Unique brooches are described and discussed. Brooches from Uppåkra are also described and discussed, against the background of the new results. The study then puts forward two new seriation chronologies for Vendel Period female graves on Bornholm and in Sweden.


The aim of the study is to offer new perspectives on domed oblong brooches of Vendel period Scandinavia and transitional types which survived into the earliest Viking period. The new perspectives are based on a larger and more recent material base and a widened geographic scope, covering all of Scandinavia.

The dataset consists of a table with information on domed oblong brooches from Vendel period and early Viking period Scandinavia. The data includes inventory numbers, provenance, measurements, type and context. The data is downloadable in -xls and .csv format. The download package also contains the study article and a codebook. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Type of archaeological remains

Grave, unknown type, Graves

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden, Denmark, Åland Islands, Norway

Geographic description: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Åland

Lowest geographic unit


Highest geographic unit


Administrative information
Topic and keywords

Research area

History (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Rundkvist, M. (2010). Domed oblong brooches of Vendel Period Scandinavia: Ørsnes types N & O and similar brooches, including transitional types surviving into the Early Viking Period. Acta archaeologica Lundensia. Series in 8, (61), 127-199.
Domed oblong brooches of Vendel Period Scandinavia
ISSN: 0065-0994
ISBN: 978-91-89578-33-3

Published: 2015-10-16
Last updated: 2018-03-15