The Sweden Count 2000

SND-ID: snd0949-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Margareta Skog - Church of Sweden, Church of Sweden Research Unit

Research principal

Lund University - Church of Sweden Research Unit rorId


The data file belonging to this study contains information about participation in services and worships at approximately 5,900 congregations, corps and religious groups across Sweden during the weekend of 24 - 26 September 1999. The survey was sent to roughly 6,500 congregations, corps and groups and a response rate of around 90% was thus reached. Well over half a million participations were registered during the weekend, in communities spanning over Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Bahá'í, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and "new movements" including New Age movements, Neopaganism, Neo-Hindu movements, the Church of Scientology etc. Four pieces of information were gathered: 1) day and time of the religious activity, 3) type of religious activity, 3) number of participants, 4) whether the activity was ecumenical or not.


What did religious Sweden look like just before the turn of the millennium 2000? Answering this question was the purpose of the Sweden Count 2000. More specifically, the study examines the number of visits to congregations and religious societies during a weekend of Septemb

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The data file belonging to this study contains information about participation in services and worships at approximately 5,900 congregations, corps and religious groups across Sweden during the weekend of 24 - 26 September 1999. The survey was sent to roughly 6,500 congregations, corps and groups and a response rate of around 90% was thus reached. Well over half a million participations were registered during the weekend, in communities spanning over Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Bahá'í, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and "new movements" including New Age movements, Neopaganism, Neo-Hindu movements, the Church of Scientology etc. Four pieces of information were gathered: 1) day and time of the religious activity, 3) type of religious activity, 3) number of participants, 4) whether the activity was ecumenical or not.


What did religious Sweden look like just before the turn of the millennium 2000? Answering this question was the purpose of the Sweden Count 2000. More specifically, the study examines the number of visits to congregations and religious societies during a weekend of September 1999.

The dataset contains a data file with information on the number of visits to congregations and religious societies in Sweden during the weekend of 24th - 26th September 1999. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome


Swedish parishes

Time Method

Time period(s) investigated

1999-09-24 – 1999-09-26



Number of individuals/objects


Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1999-09-24 – 1999-09-26
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Geographic description: Sweden

Lowest geographic unit


Highest geographic unit


Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Church of Sweden Research Unit


Skog, M. (red.) (2001). Det religiösa Sverige: gudstjänst- och andaktsliv under ett veckoslut kring millennieskiftet. Örebro: Libris.
Google Books | Library of Congress | Libris
ISBN: 9789171954220

Published: 2015-01-14
Last updated: 2021-04-26