PART - Mental health - Work - Relations - PART - Questionnaires 1-3
SND-ID: snd0784-1.
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Yvonne Forsell
Associated documentation
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Yvonne Forsell - Karolinska Institutet, Department of Public Health Sciences
Ingvar Lundberg - Uppsala University, Department of Medical Sciences, Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Catharina Lavebratt - Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
Research principal
Karolinska Institutet
- Department of Public Health Sciences
To increase knowledge in the field of mental illness the PART study (Mental health, work and relationships) was started, an epidemiological study on psychological morbidity among 20-64-year olds in the Stockholm County population.
Mental health is a public health problem, and if it increases, it is alarming in both human and socio-economic aspects. It is therefore important to identify the causes and if possible affect them. It is also important to identify risk groups in order to provide help as soon as the first symptoms appear, so that a long-term suffering can be prevented.
In the PART study 10 441 individuals (5798 women and 4643 men) between 1998 and 2000, answered questions on living conditions, including working conditions and mental illness. This represented a response rate of 53%. Of these, 1100 participated in a psychiatric interview. PART II, which ran 2001-2003 was a continuation of this study, where those who responded to the first survey, answered an additional questionnaire with essentially the same issues. There were 8613 individuals who responded to both questionnaires.
Mental health is a public health problem, and if it increases, it is alarming in both human and socio-economic aspects. It is therefore important to identify the causes and if possible affect them. It is also important to identify risk groups in order to provide help as soon as the first symptoms appear, so that a long-term suffering can be prevented.
In the PART study 10 441 individuals (5798 women and 4643 men) between 1998 and 2000, answered questions on living conditions, including working conditions and mental illness. This represented a response rate of 53%. Of these, 1100 participated in a psychiatric interview. PART II, which ran 2001-2003 was a continuation of this study, where those who responded to the first survey, answered an additional questionnaire with essentially the same issues. There were 8613 individuals who responded to both questionnaires.
Substudies within PART are among others Work and mental health and Drinking habits and alcohol problems (AUDIT test).
The aims of the PART study:
- To describe risk and protective factors for mental ill-health in the adult (20-64 years old) population of the Stockholm County.
- To analyse the association between social, somatic, cognitive and mental ill-health.
- To validate screening instruments for assessment of mental ill-health.
- To analyse factors associated with meetable need of psychiatric, psychological and social services.
- To analyse consequences of mental ill-health.
- To analyse the outcome of both treated and untreated mental ill-health.
- To describe the frequency of the most common axis I psychiatric symptoms and syndroms in the adult population. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Time Method
Time period(s) investigated
1998 – 2010
Number of individuals/objects
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden
Geographic description: Inhabitants in the city of Stockholm
Responsible department/unit
Department of Public Health Sciences
Research area
Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Psychiatry (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Occupational health and environmental health (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Hospitalization, Sick leave, Demography, Diagnosis, Blood specimen collection, Mental disorders, Pathological conditions, signs and symptoms, Socioeconomic factors, Anxiety, Risk factors, Alcoholism, Alcohol drinking, Alcohol-related disorders, Adaptation, psychological, Work, Workload, Epidemiology, Phobic disorders, Public health, Health status, Life change events, Drug utilization, Depression, Panic disorder, Interpersonal relations, Psychiatric status rating scales, Mental health, Psychotropic drugs, Disease progression, Suicidal ideation, Social problems, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Occupations, Feeding and eating disorders
Forsell Y. The pathway to meeting need for mental health services in Sweden. Psychiatric Services 2006; 57(1): 114-119.
Airaksinen E, Larsson M, Lundberg I, Forsell Y. Cognitive functions in depressive disorders: evidence from a population-based study. Psychological medicine 2004; 34(1): 83-91
Airaksinen E, Wahlin Å, Forsell Y, Larsson M. Low episodic memory performance as a premorbid marker of depression: evidence from a 3-year follow-up. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2007; 115(6): 458-465
Till lärosätets (su) databas
Airaksinen E, Wahlin Å, Larsson M, Forsell Y. Cognitive and social functioning in recovery from depression: Results from a population-based three-year follow-up. Journal of Affective Disorders 2006; 96(1-2): 107-110
Till lärosätets (su) databas
Alderling M, de la Torre B, Forsell Y, Lundberg I, Sondergaard HP, Theorell T. Psychiatric diagnoses and circadian saliva cortisol variations in a Swedish population-based sample (the PART study). Psychother & Psychosom 2008; 77(2): 129-31
Till lärosätets (uu) databas
Alderling M, Theorell T, de la Torre B, Lundberg I. The demand control model and circadian saliva cortisol variations in a Swedish population based sample (The PARTstudy) BMC Public Health 2006; 6(1): 288
Bergman P, Ahlberg G, Forsell Y, Lundberg I. Samband mellan vissa livsvilkor och psykisk ohälsa (lågt välbefinnnande, depressivitet och låg funktionsnivå) Analyser av enkätdatai PART-projektets första fas (No.2004:3). 2004. Stockholm: Centrum för folkhälsa.
Bergman P, Ahlberg G, Forsell Y, Lundberg I. Non-participation in the second wave of the PART study on mental disorder and its effects on risk estimates. Int J Soc Psychiatry 2010; 56(2):119-32
Airaksinen E, Larsson M, Forsell Y. Neuropsycological functions in anxiety disorders in population-based samples: evidens of episodic memory dysfunction. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2005; 39(2): 207-14
Aberg E, Fandino- Losada A, Sjöholm LK, Forsell Y, Lavebratt C. The funtional Val(158)Met polymorphism in catechol -O- methyltransferase (COMT) is associated with depression and motivation in men from a Swedish population based study. J Affect Disord. 2010; Sept 7.
Dahlberg K, Forsell Y, Damstrom- Thakker K, Runeson B. Mental problems and healthcare contacts in an urban and a rural area. Comparisons of two Swedish counties. Nord J Psychiatry 2007; 61(1): 40-46.
Fandino- Losada A, Forsell Y, Lundberg I. Demands, skill discretion, decision authority and social climat at work as determinates of major depression in a 3- year follow up study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2012.
Forsell Y. Psychiatric symptoms, social disability, low wellbeing and need for treatment: data from a population-based study. Internal Journal of Social Psychiatry 2004; 50(3): 195-203.
Forsell Y. The Major Depression Inventory versus Schedules for Clinical Assesment in Neuropsychiatry in a population sample. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology 2005; 40(3): 209-213
Forsell Y. A three-year follow-up of major depression, dysthymia, minor depression and subsyndromal depression:results from a pupulation-based study; Depress Anxiety 2007; 24(1): 62-65.
Forsell Y. Levander S, Cullberg J. Psychosocial correlates with depressive symptoms six years after a first episode of psychosis as compared with findings from a general population sample. BMC Psychiatry 2004; 4,29.
Hansson A, Hillerås P, Forsell Y. Well-Being in an Adult Swedish Population. Social Indicators Research 2005; 74(2): 313.
Hansson A, Hillerås P, Forsell Y. What Kind of Self-Care Strategies Do People Report Using and is There an Association with Well-Being? Social Indicators Research 2005; 73(1): 133.
Lavebratt C, Aberg E, Sjöholm LK, Forsell Y. Variations in FKBP5 and BDNF genes are suggestively associated with depression in a Swedish population-based cohort. J Affect Disord, Mars 2010.
Lundberg I, Damstrom Thakker K, Hallstrom T, Forsell Y. Determinants of non-participation, and the effects of non-participation on potential cause-effect relationship, in the PART study on mental disorders. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology 2005; 40(6): 475-483
Melas PA, Sjöholm LK, Forsner T, Edhborg M, Juth N, Forsell Y, Lavebratt C. Examining the public refusal to consent to DNA biobanking: empirical data from a Swedish population-based study. J Med Ethics 2010; 36(2): 93-98.
Sjöholm L, Lavebratt C, Forsell Y. A multifactorial developmental model for the etiology of major depression in a population-based sample. J Affect Disord 2009; 113(1-2): 66-76.
Sjöholm LK, Melas PA, Forsell Y, Lavebratt C. PreproNPY Pro7 protects against depression despite exposure to environmental risk factors. J Affect Disord; Mars 2009.
Stoetzer U, Ahlberg G, Johansson G, Bergman P, Hallsten L, Forsell Y, Lundberg I. Problematic Interpersonal Relationships at Work and Depression: A Swedish Prospective Cohort Study. J Ocup Health 2009; 51: 144-151.
Wallerblad A, Möller J, Forsell Y. Care-seeking pattern among persons with depression and anxiety: a population based study in Sweden. Int J Family Med 2012; 895425.