ISSP 1997 - Work orientations II: Sweden

SND-ID: snd0722-1. Version: 1.1. DOI:

Is part of collection at SND: ISSP - International Social Survey Programme


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Stefan Svallfors - Umeå University, Department of Sociology

Research principal

Umeå University - Department of Sociology rorId


This survey is the Swedish part of the 1997 'International Social Survey Program'. ISSP is an ongoing program of cross-national collaboration. Formed in 1984, the group develops topical modules dealing with important areas of social science as supplements to regular national surveys. The topic of 1997 was 'Work orientations'.

The respondents were asked if they wanted to spend more or less time on gainful employment, housework, family, friends, and leisure activities. They could also state if they agreed or not with a number of statements concerning work in general. A number of questions concerned how important different factors are for work, and the situation at the respondent's workplace. Respondents also had to give their opinion on the sabbatical year. Socio-economic background information includes occupation, trade union affiliation, education, housing, income, marital status, spouse's occupation and income, number of children, citizenship of parents, and political preferences.


ISSP aims to design and implement internationally comparable attitude surveys. The study in 1997 inve

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This survey is the Swedish part of the 1997 'International Social Survey Program'. ISSP is an ongoing program of cross-national collaboration. Formed in 1984, the group develops topical modules dealing with important areas of social science as supplements to regular national surveys. The topic of 1997 was 'Work orientations'.

The respondents were asked if they wanted to spend more or less time on gainful employment, housework, family, friends, and leisure activities. They could also state if they agreed or not with a number of statements concerning work in general. A number of questions concerned how important different factors are for work, and the situation at the respondent's workplace. Respondents also had to give their opinion on the sabbatical year. Socio-economic background information includes occupation, trade union affiliation, education, housing, income, marital status, spouse's occupation and income, number of children, citizenship of parents, and political preferences.


ISSP aims to design and implement internationally comparable attitude surveys. The study in 1997 investigates Work Orientations. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Individuals aged 18-75 years and residing in Sweden

Sampling procedure

Time period(s) investigated

1997-02 – 1997-05



Number of individuals/objects



Ett subsample drogs bland de som inte besvarade enkäten efter två påminnelser. Ungefär 70% av dem blev utvalda för telefonintervjuer, i enlighet med SCB:s praxis. Alla respondenter i stickprovet har tilldelats vikten 1,41. För att bevara representativiteten i stickprovet bör alla beräkningar göras med viktning. Viktvariabel = V5.

Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1997-02 – 1997-05
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Lowest geographic unit

National area (NUTS 2)

Highest geographic unit


Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Sociology

Topic and keywords

Research area

Employment (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Working conditions (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Sociology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Edlund, J., & Svallfors, S. (1997) ISSP 1997 - Work Orientation II. Codebook for machine-readable datafile. Umeå: Department of Sociology.


Version 1.1. 2009-08-28

Version 1.1: 2009-08-28


Version 1.0. 2000-04-10

Version 1.0: 2000-04-10


Published: 2009-08-28
Last updated: 2024-04-12