Swedish election study 1988

SND-ID: snd0227-1. Version: 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/002512

Is part of collection at SND: Swedish Election Studies - Parliamentary elections


Alternative title


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Sören Holmberg - University of Gothenburg, Department of Political Science

Mikael Gilljam - University of Gothenburg, Department of Political Science

Statistics Sweden

Research principal

University of Gothenburg - Department of Political Science rorId


This study is part of the collection of Swedish election studies fielded continuously since 1956. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous election studies, but there is also a number of questions not asked in previous surveys. In this study the respondent had to look 10-15 years ahead and to give predictions for the environmental situation, living standard, equality and freedom in Sweden. The respondents were asked how they voted and to give the most important reasons to why they voted on that particular party. They also had to answer how important the following things were for their choice of party: the party´s line of action is good for the respondent´s occupational group; the party has a good party leader; the respondent feels like an adherent of the party; the party´s policy in questions discussed lately is good; the party people are competent and can lead the country; the party´s ideology is good; the respondent always votes with that party. The respondent were asked how they voted at the last two general elections. Respondents who were not voting at the same

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This study is part of the collection of Swedish election studies fielded continuously since 1956. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous election studies, but there is also a number of questions not asked in previous surveys. In this study the respondent had to look 10-15 years ahead and to give predictions for the environmental situation, living standard, equality and freedom in Sweden. The respondents were asked how they voted and to give the most important reasons to why they voted on that particular party. They also had to answer how important the following things were for their choice of party: the party´s line of action is good for the respondent´s occupational group; the party has a good party leader; the respondent feels like an adherent of the party; the party´s policy in questions discussed lately is good; the party people are competent and can lead the country; the party´s ideology is good; the respondent always votes with that party. The respondent were asked how they voted at the last two general elections. Respondents who were not voting at the same party were asked for the reason of change, and respondents who voted at the same party were asked if they ever thought of changing party.


Explain why people vote as they do and why an election ends in a particular way. Track and follow trends in the Swedish electoral democracy and make comparisons with other countries. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Individuals aged 18-80 years, residing in Sweden and eligible to vote in the parliamentary election 1988

Sampling procedure

Time period(s) investigated

1988-08-22 – 1988-08-22



Number of individuals/objects



V5=viktvariabel. De personer i panelurvalet 1985-1988 som var bortfall 1985, drogs med halva urvalssannolikheten 1988. I datamängden har dessa personer därför dubblerats.

Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Face-to-face interview
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1988-08-22 – 1988-09-17
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Instrument: Questionnaire stage A (Structured questionnaire) - Formuläret användes i förvalsintervjuerna. Kompletterades med en postenkät utskickad till personer i etapp A efter valet.
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts: Administrative, Registers/Records/Accounts: Voting results, Population group, Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1988-09-18 – 1988-12-07
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Instrument: Mail questionnaire (Structured questionnaire)
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts: Administrative, Registers/Records/Accounts: Voting results, Population group, Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 3

  • Mode of collection: Face-to-face interview
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1988-09-19 – 1988-12-07
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Instrument: Questionnaire stage B (Structured questionnaire)
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts: Administrative, Registers/Records/Accounts: Voting results, Population group, Registers/Records/Accounts
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Highest geographic unit


Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Political Science


Sort by name | Sort by year

Gilljam, M., & Holmberg, S. (1990) Rött blått grönt : en bok om 1988 års riksdagsval. Stockholm: Bonnier. ISBN: 91-34-51124-5.
ISSN: 0347-9366
ISBN: 91-34-51124-5

Gilljam, M., & Holmberg, S. (1990) Rött, blått, grönt : en sammanfattning av några resultat från 1988 års valundersökning. Stockholm: Statistics Sweden.
Google Books

Gilljam, M., Holmberg, S., & Bennulf, M. (1991) Valundersökning 1988 : teknisk rapport (Technical Report of an Interview Survey regarding the Riksdag (Parliament) Election in Sweden), 1988. Stockholm ; Göteborg : Statistiska centralbyrån : Statsvetenskapliga inst., Univ.. ISBN: 91-618-0279-4.
ISBN: 91-618-0279-4
ISSN: 0347-9366

Holmberg, S., & Gilljam, M. (1990) Miljövalet 1988. In Allmänna valen 1988. Del 3 (SOS). Stockholm: Statistics Sweden.

Elinder, M. (2008) Essays on Economic Voting, Cognitive Dissonance and Trust. Uppsala : Department of Economics, Univ. ISBN: 978-91-85519-20-0.
ISBN: 978-91-85519-20-0
ISSN: 0283-7668

Holmberg, Sören (2000) Partidemokrati : en sammanfattning av några resultat från valundersökningarna 1956-1998. Stockholm: Statistics Sweden.

Oscarsson, H. (1998) Den svenska partirymden : Väljarnas uppfattningar av konfliktstrukturen i partisystemet 1956-1996. Göteborg : Department of Political Science. ISBN: 91-628-3000-7.
ISSN: 0346-5942
ISBN: 91-628-3000-7

Arndt, C. (2013). The Electoral Consequences of Third Way Welfare State Reforms: Social Democracy's Transformation and its Political Costs. Amsterdam University Press.
Read fulltext | Libris
ISBN: 978-90-8964-450-3

Published: 1991-12-01
Last updated: 2025-01-07