The National SOM Survey 1986
SND-ID: snd0216-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
Is part of collection at SND: The National SOM survey
Associated documentation
Alternative title
Riks-SOM 1986
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Research principal
University of Gothenburg - Department of Political Science
In 1986 a series of annual surveys were initiated at the Department of Political Science, Göteborg University. It was called the SOM survey, where SOM stands for Society, Opinions and Mass media. The survey was a result of collaboration between nine different research projects at the department. The questionnaire used was divided into seven subject fields: Mass media, politics and society, energy and nuclear power, Sweden's relation to other countries, residential environment, interests and leisure activities, and social background.
The questions about mass media dealt with how often the respondent watch different television programs, morning paper reading habits, and the occurrence of incorrect and misleading information in mass media.
In the politics and society section you could find questions about the respondent´s confidence in different institutions and groups. The respondents had to give their opinion on a number of proposals occurring in the political debate, they had to place themselves on the political left-right scale, and the political parties and the party leaders on a like-disli
The questions about mass media dealt with how often the respondent watch different television programs, morning paper reading habits, and the occurrence of incorrect and misleading information in mass media.
In the politics and society section you could find questions about the respondent´s confidence in different institutions and groups. The respondents had to give their opinion on a number of proposals occurring in the political debate, they had to place themselves on the political left-right scale, and the political parties and the party leaders on a like-dislike scale. Furthermore the respondents had to answer which party they liked most and how important it is to fulfill different goals in society the next ten years.
Questions concerning energy and nuclear power dealt with the respondent´s attitude toward nuclear power and opinion on the political parties´ energy policy. The respondents had to state how they experienced different risks in connection with the use of nuclear power. There were also questions about confidence in different institutions and groups in regard to giving information about energy and nuclear power. The respondents also had to state if they experienced that they were exposed to any risks in connection with the accident at the nuclear power station in Tjernobyl earlier that year and actions taken to protect themselves against these risks.
In the section about Sweden´s relation to other countries the respondents had to indicate how interested they were in issues concerning foreign policy, aid to developing countries, defence and trade. Furthermore they had to state what they experienced as disturbing for the future and how they believed the military and political situation to be within 10-15 years. They also had to give their opinion on a number of statements concerning foreign policy and defence.
Questions concerning the residential environment dealt with the respondents housing, how long they had lived at the present place and if they had any thoughts of moving elsewhere, and activities in organisations trying to effect the local neighbourhood. The respondents had to indicate if they during the last two years ever tried to influence the local authorities in any local issue or plan concerning the local neighbourhood.
The section about interests and leisure activities included questions on membership in organisations, interest in a number of different issues and activities, and values important for the respondent.
Social background included questions on occupation, union membership, education, vote in 1985, marital status, size of household, income, equipment in household and household´s yearly expense for a number of items.
The main purpose is to establish time series that enable researchers to analyse how various changes in society affect people's attitudes and behaviour. Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Individuals aged 15-75 years and residing in Sweden
Time Method
Sampling procedure
Time period(s) investigated
1986 – 1986
Number of individuals/objects
Response rate/participation rate
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden
Lowest geographic unit
County (NUTS 3)
Highest geographic unit
Responsible department/unit
Department of Political Science
Research area
Energy and natural resources (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Environment and conservation (CESSDA Topic Classification)
International politics and organisations (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Political science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Media studies (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Leisure, tourism and sport (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Developing countries, Elections, Housing, Mass media, Defence, Participation, Public sector, International relations, Energy, Environment, Culture, Planning, Leisure time, Trust, Political interest, Nuclear energy, Newspaper readership, Television news, Television programmes, Energy policy, Radioactive wastes, Equipment, Local mass media, Professional ethics, Risk, Internal politics, Political parties, Political leaders, Leisure time activities, Values, Cors
Holmberg, Sören & Weibull, Lennart (eds.) (1987) SOM-undersökningen 1986 : genomföranda, deltagare, huvudresultat. SOM report no 1. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
SOM Institute publications
Holmberg, Sören & Weibull, Lennart (eds.) (1995) Swedish Opinion. Göteborg: SOM Institute. ISBN 91-972694-0-9.
SOM Institute publications
Oscarsson, Henrik (ed.) (2003) Demokratitrender. SOM report no. 32. Göteborg: SOM Institute. ISBN 91-89673-02-6.
SOM Institute publications
Holmberg, Sören & Weibull, Lennart (eds.) (2004) Swedish Trends 1986-2004. Göteborg: SOM Institute.
Berg O. (2008) Attityder kring kärnkraft i Sverige : en studie av förändringar i attityder från folkomröstningen 1980 fram till år 2006. C-uppsats, Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Oscarsson, H. (1998) Den svenska partirymden : Väljarnas uppfattningar av konfliktstrukturen i partisystemet 1956-1996. Göteborg : Department of Political Science. ISBN: 91-628-3000-7.