Media-equipment in households 1977

SND-ID: snd0030-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Radio Sweden, Publik- och programforskning

Research principal

Radio Sweden - Publik- och programforskning


This survey forms part of the project ´Massmedieutveckling under 80-talet´. For each kind of equipment the respondent was asked about number of devices, year of purchase and money spent on buying the equipment. Other questions dealt with possession of records and cassettes, type of music on records and cassettes, purchases during 1976 and amount of different kinds of music played each week. Furthermore the respondent was asked about subscription to different newspapers, purchases of single copies and amount of time spent reading newspapers.


Show which media equipment exists in the Swedish households

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Individuals aged 9-79 years

Time Method

Sampling procedure

Probability: Simple random
Urvalet har dragits av SCB ur RTBS.

Time period(s) investigated

1976-01-01 – 1977-05-01



Number of individuals/objects



Av nettourvalets 4.223 personer har 1.738 eller 41,2% ej besvarat frågeformuläret. Bland dessa drogs ett suburval - var tredje individ - omfattande 560 personer. Av dessa intervjuades 466 individer per telefon. Då varje subsamplad individ gäller för två andra i bortfallet beräknar PUB antalet svar till 3.883 mot 2.951 faktiska svar. Härvid erhålles en viktad svarsfrekvens på 91,9% mot 69,9% oviktad.

Response rate/participation rate


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire: paper
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1977-03-25 – 1977-05-01
  • Data collector: Radio Sweden
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Publik- och programforskning

Topic and keywords

Research area

Consumption and consumer behaviour (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Nilsson, C. (1978). Hemma i mediesamhället. PUB No 11 1978. Stockholm: Swedish Broadcasting Corporation. ISBN 91-7552-028-1.
ISBN: 91-7552-028-1

Published: 1995-08-16
Last updated: 2019-02-06