Swedish-Finnish glossary: disputation words

SND-ID: ext0345-1.

Is part of collection at SND: Swedish - Finnish glossaries


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Institute for Language and Folklore, Language Council of Sweden

Research principal

Institute for Language and Folklore - Language Council of Sweden rorId


Swedish - Finnish glossary of words relating to disputations. Published in Kieliviesti 2/2011. Contains approximately 60 words. 2011.

Swedish - Finnish glossary of words relating to disputations. Published in Kieliviesti 2/2011. Contains approximately 60 entries. 2011.

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

2011-01-01 – 2011-01-01

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Language resources

Resource type

Lexical conceptual resource

Foreseen use

Human use

Lexical conceptual resource type

Word List

Creation mode

Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Language Council of Sweden

Topic and keywords

Research area

Educational sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Languages and literature (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)



CC BY 4.0

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