The childrens environment survey 2011

SND-ID: ext0272-1.

Is part of collection at SND: Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME)

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Antonios Georgelis

Associated documentation

Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Antonios Georgelis - Stockholms läns landsting, Centrum för Arbets- och miljömedicin

Research principal

Public Health Agency of Sweden - Institute of Environmental Medicine rorId


The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Sweden.

The questionnaire concerned the health and environments of children in three age groups: 8 months, 4 years, and the 12 years. The questions were in most cases answered by the children’s parents, but some of the questions were directly asked of children in 12-year-old group.

The questions focused on the children’s exposure to environmental factors and on their self-rated symptoms, health, and levels of disturbance by various environmental factors. Statistics Sweden supplemented the data from the survey with demographic data from various central registers including gender, age, place of residence, country 24 of birth, and parents’ educational level etc. Nearly 71 400 children were randomly selected within each county. Approximately 36 000 people responded to the survey, representing a response rate of over 50 percent.

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The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Sweden.

The questionnaire concerned the health and environments of children in three age groups: 8 months, 4 years, and the 12 years. The questions were in most cases answered by the children’s parents, but some of the questions were directly asked of children in 12-year-old group.

The questions focused on the children’s exposure to environmental factors and on their self-rated symptoms, health, and levels of disturbance by various environmental factors. Statistics Sweden supplemented the data from the survey with demographic data from various central registers including gender, age, place of residence, country 24 of birth, and parents’ educational level etc. Nearly 71 400 children were randomly selected within each county. Approximately 36 000 people responded to the survey, representing a response rate of over 50 percent.

In addition to the study in 2011 a previously survey had been conducted in 2003, making it possible to compare the results and show how children’s environment and health changed during the eight years between the surveys.

The aim was to chart how environmental factors like air pollution, noise and indoor environment effects the health of children and adolescents. Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Children aged 8 months, 4 years and 12 years, registered in Sweden and having at least one guardians that has been publicly registered in Sweden for at least 5 years..

Sampling procedure

Urvalet gjordes slumpvis inom varje län och åldersgrupp, och bestod av två delar. I den första delen, grundurvalet, valdes 12 600 barn ut. Dessa var jämnt fördelade mellan Sveriges 21 län och bestod av 600 barn per län, 200 per åldersgrupp. Den andra delen bestod av ett förstärkt urval för femton län, som valt att delta med sammanlagt ytterligare 58 772 barn. Totalt ingick nästan 30 procent av målbefolkningen. Cirka 21 procent av de 12-åriga barnen i det förtätade urvalet valdes ut från den grupp som besvarat den tidigare undersökningen (2003). De ingick vid den tiden i åldersgruppen 4-åringar.

Response rate/participation rate

8 månader: 55%
4 år: 53%
12 år: 46%

Data format / data structure

Data collection

Data collection 1

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2011-03 – 2011-06
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden
  • Number of responses: 8690
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts: Administrative, Population group, Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 2

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2011-03 – 2011-06
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden rorId
  • Number of responses: 1451
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts: Administrative, Population group, Registers/Records/Accounts

Data collection 3

  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 2011-03 – 2011-06
  • Data collector: Statistics Sweden rorId
  • Number of responses: 12900
  • Source of the data: Registers/Records/Accounts: Administrative, Population group, Registers/Records/Accounts
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Lowest geographic unit

County (NUTS 3)

Highest geographic unit


Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Institute of Environmental Medicine
