Recollection of repeated dental visits
SND-ID: ext0200-1.
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Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Pär-Anders Granhag - University of Gothenburg, Department of Psychology
Rebecca Willén - University of Gothenburg, Department of Psychology
Research principal
University of Gothenburg - Department of Psychology
The main purpose is twofold. First, to empirically investigate the effectiveness of context-specific cues on adults’ memories of events they had experienced repeatedly. The second main purpose was to shed light on methodological issues in re-search on memory for repeated events by exploring whether factors such as rehearsal, interviewee age, and number of experienced events had different effects on the two measures of specificity.
Unit of analysis
Dental patients
Study design
Experimental study
Time period(s) investigated
2012 – 2012
Responsible department/unit
Department of Psychology
Ethics Review
Gothenburg - Ref. 1007-11
Research area
Psychology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Psychology (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Willén, R. M. (2015). Recollection of repeated events: Difficulties and possibilities. Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
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Willén, R.M., Granhag, P.A., Strömwall, L.A., & Fisher, R.P. (2015). Facilitating particularisation of repeated similar events with context-specific cues. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56, 28-37. DOI: <>
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