CAN's national school survey, ninth grade

SND-ID: ext0196-1.

Is part of collection at SND: CAN:s Alcohol and Drug Use Survey

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Creator/Principal investigator(s)

The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs


The Swedish Centre for Alcohol and Drug Education (CAN) conducts annual surveys on experiences of alcohol, drugs, doping, tobacco and gambling (ANDTS) among pupils in ninth grade and year 2 of upper secondary school. Nationally representative school surveys have been conducted since 1971 in ninth grade and since 2004 in year 2 of upper secondary school.

Since 1986, these annual surveys have been the responsibility of CAN. Since 2001, the surveys have been conducted on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Data in digital form are only available from the 1989 collection onwards.

Among other things, the surveys shed light on the development of young people's experience of ANDTS over time and show differences between, for example, gender, age groups and regions. In addition, the information collected provides good opportunities to make more detailed analyses of, for example, consumption patterns, relationships between the use of different substances and background factors.

The surveys are conducted digitally in the form of teacher-supervised group surveys in classrooms and stude

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The Swedish Centre for Alcohol and Drug Education (CAN) conducts annual surveys on experiences of alcohol, drugs, doping, tobacco and gambling (ANDTS) among pupils in ninth grade and year 2 of upper secondary school. Nationally representative school surveys have been conducted since 1971 in ninth grade and since 2004 in year 2 of upper secondary school.

Since 1986, these annual surveys have been the responsibility of CAN. Since 2001, the surveys have been conducted on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Data in digital form are only available from the 1989 collection onwards.

Among other things, the surveys shed light on the development of young people's experience of ANDTS over time and show differences between, for example, gender, age groups and regions. In addition, the information collected provides good opportunities to make more detailed analyses of, for example, consumption patterns, relationships between the use of different substances and background factors.

The surveys are conducted digitally in the form of teacher-supervised group surveys in classrooms and students participate anonymously. Approximately 80-85 per cent of the approximately 700 (approximately 350 classes per grade) randomly selected classes participate in the study. The response rate at the individual level, in terms of pupils present at the time of the survey, is of approximately the same magnitude. Results for individual classes or schools are never reported in the national surveys.

The surveys are presented in the annual reports CAN's national school survey, but also in shorter, more thematic special reports. CAN also conducts local and regional surveys on behalf of municipalities and county councils.

The purpose of the survey is primarily to highlight the development of young people's experience of ANDTS and to study differences between different groups.

To make a request for the data, contact CAN via Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Students in ninth grade.

Time Method

Sampling procedure

Probability: Cluster
Probability: Simple random
The sample is drawn using a so-called Pareto πps sampling. The sampling design means that the probability of an object being included in the sample is proportional to a predetermined measurement.

Time period(s) investigated

1971 – Ongoing

Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Self-administered questionnaire
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1971–ongoing
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic description: Sweden

Administrative information
Topic and keywords

Research area

Medical and health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Health sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Health (CESSDA Topic Classification)

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